chapter 13~ held at gunpoint

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sorry for any spelling errors over the last couple chapters, eventually I hope to go back and fix them :P

Also round of applause to Melonbread96 for being amazing and posting the chapters for y'all while I was gone! Such a sweetie she is! I love her to bits!

Shadow's POV~

I smile as Aaron gives Ohm a knowing look. Good. They belive that I am Max. Step one, complete.

Aaron's POV~
For the rest of the night, I deside to keep a sharp eye on Max.

"Never have I evveeerrrrr...."

Ohm begins. We had been going for a while and were running low on ideas. Slowly (mainly because of Adam) questions were becoming more and more personal. In a sexual way.

"Had a parent walk in on me and a partner having sex" he finishes.

I smile at his use of 'partner'. Chilled and Max are straight, Ohm and Ze are bi and and Adam and I are gay. Who knows where Jack stands on the sexuality spectrum but the point is, you can't exactly use male or female pronouns without targeting certain people.

I sit still and watch the room, waiting. Sure enough, Chilled and Adam take their shots. I smile and shake my head at them.

"I don't wanna know the details" I say, trying to think of my next one. I watch as Adam and Anthony fill their shot glasses once more.

"Never have I everrrr..." I drag on the 'ever' as I continue to think. "Hmmm, never have I ever..."

Suddenly, Adam pipes up and finishes the sentence for me "been top in bed during sex"

The room bursts out laughing and I feel my face grow red. I shrink back in my seat and Ohm wraps him arms around me, pulling me closer.

"Its okay babe. Its cute when you blush" he whispers, making me smile and place my head on his shoulder.

"Have you two had sex yet?" Ze blurts out, eyes growing wide once he realized he said it out loud. The room looks at him in surprise.

"Wow, Ze! You're asking perverted questions? I'm actually kinda proud!" Adam remarks before turning to Ohm and I. "So, have you?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow, indicating that he was serious.

I feel my face go a deeper shade as I burry my face in ohm's chest. The room grows silent and Ohm chuckles before answering the question quietly "No...we haven't"

"Do it! Fuck him!" Adam yells, laughing.

Extremely embarrassed, I curl up in Ohm's lap. Ohm wraps his arms around me and rubs my back, calming me down a bit.

"Oh my god Aaron, you're adorable" Max says from the other side of the room.

I feel my muscles stiffen when I hear this. The evidence points to Max as Shadow...and now he's calling me adorable? Maybe...maybe he isn't straight? Maybe he likes me and that's why he's trying to break Ohm and I up?

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