Chapter 10~ who's Shadow?

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Aaron's POV~

"Aaron, who's Shadow?"

Before I can respond, an officer walks into the room.

"I'm gonna have to ask you boys to leave the room, I need to ask Aaron a few questions" the officer announced, walking over beside my bed.

Adam looks at me curiously, obviously wondering who Shadow was. Chilled and Ze get up and walk out, Adam and Max right behind. I feel my heart pound in my chest, they are going to go through the texts...they're going to know everything.

"Hello Aaron, how are you feeling?" the officer asks, sitting down in the chair Chilled just left.

"Fine, I guess" I reply, my mind paying more attention to my phone being with Chilled than the officer in front of me.

'You seem distracted, something on your mind?" the police asks, accusingly

I think fast "I'm worried about Ohm. He isn't in trouble is he?" I ask. its not a lie, I was worried about him.

The officer pauses for a moment, considering my response. "Well, I have to ask you a few questions first." she answers. "how did you end up with Ohm? did you decide on a time? did you run into each other?"

"Well, see, I make YouTube videos for a living. I was having a meet up with some fans earlier today and he came up to me then he asked me to meet him outside his hotel at 7" I explain, trying to stay calm but failing miserably. I just pray that she doesn't think I'm lying.

"Okay. So you meet with him at 7, then what happened?" she asks, jotting some things down in a notepad.

"Then he brought me to the Pax building. he brought me upstairs to where he had set up a picnic."

I watch as the officer nods her head an continues to write. "So, you knew Ohm before this? or did you just meet him?" She asks, finally looking up.

"I've known him since high school." for a moment I considered bringing up that we were dating but, I decided against it.

"Did he force himself apon you? try to physically harm you?" I felt dé ja vou hearing this question for the second time today.

"No, he didn't" I say sternly. "he's not some sicko who tries to rape people! he's a nice guy taking his boyfriend for a date in a place he shouldn't have." I snap. I'm sick of everyone calling him the bad guy.

The officer's head looks up at the word 'boyfriend'. weren't expecting that, were ya?

Ohm's POV~

I pace the holding cell anxiously. I'm nervous that Aaron will freak out and say something that makes us sound better. if he does that, our stories won't add up. If he does do that, I wouldn't blame him, he's just worried about me. my gut wrenches remembering the way Aaron looked back at me as they pulled him away. His face was twisted with confusion and fear. I feel treats prick my eyes just thinking about it.

Where is he now? With Anthony? hopefully, he is with Anthony. I trust Anthony with Aaron's life. I can't exactly say the same for him the other misfits he's kept as friends. Well, maybe Adam. Adam may not like me but he treats Aaron well. He would protect Aaron if he were in danger and I respect that. I'm sure he's not too find of me right now.

Nanner's POV ~

I place my head in my hands and lean against the wall. why hasn't Aaron told us about this Shadow person?

"Should we tell that cop? I mean, this person is obviously a stalker!" chilled whispers, trying to to let Aaron and the officer hear through the door.

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