chapter 6 ~ because i chased you

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Ohm's POV~

"What the hell Nix!? Why would you do that!?" I scream at the smirking girl. I've just lost Aaron again because of her.

"What can I say? I like ruining relationships. Especially those of my Ex's. Is this why you broke up with me so long ago? Because you were gay? HA!" She remarks, rolling her eyes.

It was true. I had been trying to hide it, so I dated Nix. We broke up years ago but I still didn't want her to know. I nod my my head silently and she roars with laughter.

"How'd you know where I was?" I asked, realizing I haven't talked to her in a long time.

"A little birdie told me to come ruin your relationship. I don't know, something about tricking Aaron and text messages and secrets. I don't remember. All I know is I'm getting paid for this latter" She replies before winking and walking away.

Aaron's POV~

After calming down a bit, I wander the convention center in search of my friends. I walk around unnoticed by fans as I haven't yet released what I look like. I feel my heart speed at the thought. People are so mean about looks on the internet, I love my fans and don't think they would do that but I still have my fears.

I feel my phone vibrate I'm my pocket and pull it out to check.

Shadow: might wanna turn around,love ;)

Confused, I look up and turn around. Across the room, I see Adam standing with Max. Adam looks over and waves to me.

where id Shadow that he can see all of this? Could it be a friend pulling a prank? that does sound like something that my friends would do...

As I walk up, I notice Chilled and Jack having what seems to be a heavy debate.

"What's going on?" I whisper to Adam who was giggling. I didn't bother Max as he look ready to punch Jack out with any comment.

"Jack called Chilled a Guinea. Let's just say Chilled didn't take it well" Adam says, not taking his eyes off of the two angry men. I look back at them just in time to see Chilled take the first swing. Max rushes forward and pulls Chilled away.

"Awwe how cute. Mamma Maxie protecting his little love child" Jack mocks.

I watch as Adam's jaw locks. Uh-Oh. Jack hit Adam's 'protect Max' nerve.

"Hey! Leave it before I twist you neck!" Adam says, getting up in Jacks face.

"Jack. Let's just go"

I look to the right and see Ohm standing there. When I see him, I feel my gut wrench and tears start up. Adam glances over and sees I'm upset. This must hit his 'protect Aaron' nerve.

"What did you do to him?" Adam growls, his eyes narrowing as he starts walk towards Ohm.

"Adam, stop it." I say, grabbing his arm.

"Wait, did the shithead hurt you again? If he did, his face is getting kicked in!" Chilled says, escaping Max's arms.

"Guys, its fine, just stop"

Adam turns to me and gets in my face. "What did he do to you? Did he hurt you? Aaron, what happened" he questioned, his narrowed eyes never leaving my wide ones. I hated when Adam was like this. Protective Adam is scary.

I feel my heart beat quicken with every move closer to me he makes. "Heusedmetocheatonhisgirlfriend" I let the words spill quickly.

I watch Adam's eyes go dark as he whips around and stomps towards Ohm. No. I know how this ends. I rush forward and jump in front of Ohm. I don't know why I felt the urdge to stop Adam from punching him but I do it. Unfortunately, Adam doesn't see me jump in front at the last second.

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