Chapter 15~ Happy ships are happy

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Aaron's POV~

I cuddle with Ohm on the couch. It had been hours since Jack was taken away and the police had just finished their questioning and left. Everyone had been questioned separately, Ohm and I finished questions first so we were waiting in the living room.

After a little while, a police man walked down the steps, Adam following quickly behind. The police man nods at us, saying goodbye as Adam sits on the couch across from Ohm and I.

"Aaron....I'm really sorry for helping him...if its any consolation, I may be in some pretty big trouble with the cops too" Adam says quietly, not looking up at me. I quickly wiggle out of Ohm's tight grasp and jumped at Adam, hugging him tightly.

"Don't be sorry. You were blackmailed, you were protecting Max!" I tell the sad banana man. He doesn't respond so I grasp his face in my hands. "Adam, look me in the eye".

He hesitates before moving his gaze to match mine. "What?" He pouts. "I prioritized a man who won't love me back over my best friend who cares about me."

"One day you'll find someone." I say sternly "Someday, someone is going to look at you with a light in their eyes that you've never seen before, they'll look at you like you're what they've been waiting for their entire lives. Wait for it."

"He doesn't have to"

Adam and I pull away from each other to see Max standing in the doorway. I get up and sit back down next to Ohm.

"W-what do you mean?" Adam asks nervously. It was so cute. Adam could be loud, cocky and sure of himself any other time but, when it came to someone he loves, he's shyer than a new born kitten.

"Were you telling the truth?" Max asks, walking slowly towards Adam. "Do you love me?"

Adams face goes red as he stands up and looks down at his toes. " you hate me now?" He asks.

I feel ohm squeeze my hand. Ohm and I both knew that if Max rejacts Adam, Adam will crumble. The little hope of Max liking him back was what kept him going, I could tell.

"Of course not" Max says, chuckling.

Adam looks up with the most hope his eyes could possible hold. "Really?" He whispers.

"Really" Max verifies, taking a step so that he stood nose to nose with Adam. "In fact, I've been wanting to do something for a while now"

Adam obviously realized where this was going but he pretends to be clueless. "Oh? And what's that?"

Suddenly, Max does something unexpected. He leans down and wraps his arm behind Adams legs and the other behind his back, lifting Adam bridal style. Max then spins the giggling Adam in a circle before dumping him on the couch and kissing him with passion. Adam returns the kiss, obviously.

Ohm leans over and rests his head on mine, wrapping one arm around my shoulder while we smile at the scene across from us.

"They're so adorable" I whisper to Ohm who chuckles.

"Not as adorable as you though" Ohm reasponds. As corny as that was, I couldn't help but blush.

"I'm not adorable..." I say shaking my head.

"You do the most adorable things without even realizing it." He whispers kissing my red hot cheek.

"Whoa...what did we walk in on?" Chilled says, laughing.

Max and Adam pull away and look to see Chilled and Ze entering the room.

"Sooooo, where do you guys stand?" Max asks awkwardly. Jack did hint that Ze liked Anthony. I glance at Ze to see a flash of sadness cross his face but he quickly composed himself.

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