Chapter 2~ Hello Slam The Ham

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Ohm's POV~

"Oh, would you look at that. Gay boy and his lover seem to be volunteers also" I hear Jack say from beside me, the hatred lacing his words. Slightly confused, I follow my friends gaze only to spot someone I thought I'd never see again. Aaron. My stomach drops and my heart pounds when we lock eyes. I've always hated myself for what i did to him. The look he currently gave me seemed to say that it didn't matter. He hated me, whether I felt bad or not. Actually, rephrase that, he despised me.

"Hullo? Earth to ohm?" My eyes snap away from Aaron and towards my Irish buddy.

"Oh, sorry. Just, haven't seen them in a while..." I say. I dare another glance at the boy only to find his friend, Anthony I believe was his name, giving me looks that could kill.

"I know right? Figured the little bugger would have moved away by now. Or actually gone through with killing himself." Jack chuckled.

My heart clenched as I tried not to flinch at my friends harsh words. I had forgotten how crule he was towards Aaron. I try not to let my mind wander to that week in school that Aaron hadn't shown up, some kid had spread a rumor that he had up and killed himself. Thankfully, he didn't.

"Aalllrighty!" I hear a chearful voice call out through a megaphone. I look to my left and see a small girl with blue hair talking on stage. "Thank you all for coming and helping out!! There are a couple groups of people having meet ups and a couple booths that still need to be set up! You've been put into groups so, based on the colour of the pass you have, go find your helper who will tell you what to do!"

Jack pulls out our passes and I see that they are Purple. I look around for a bit until I finnaly spot our "helper"

"Over there" I say, pointing. Jack follows my finger and spots the girl wearing the bright purple shirt, hair and converse. Someone likes purple.

"Alright! Let's head on over then, shall we?" Jack asks, sauntering over.

Once we reach the short girl, she gives us a smile so wide that it had to be fake.

"You're in luck boys! Only 5 in this group!" She announces.

Right as she says that, a very tall man with arms covered in tattoos walks up. "Hiya! I'm Rudy!" The man announced, putting out a hand for us to shake. (If any of you has watched misfits, you get a gold star because that show is the bestest and Rudy is amazing) Jack looks at it for a moment before walking away. Rudy seemed hurt by this, so I try to be extra nice.

"Hi, you can call me Ohm" I say, attempting a warm smile.

"Agggggggghhhh, seriously!?" Jack moans from behind me. I turn around and immediately know why he's annoyed. Aaron and his little Italian buddy are wearing purple passes and standing beside us.

"Okay! Let's get started shall we!?" Miss Purple announces, still not having given us her name.

"Jeeez, wonder which of the helpers thought it would be funny to drug her? There's no way that amount of happy isn't because of drugs" I hear Anthony whisper to Aaron who begins giggling. I resist the urge to smile at him and focus back on Purple.

"So today, I have you in one group of three and one group of two! So, Jack, Anthony and Rudy, you three will be heading over there and helping that group set up their booth! Oh, and Ohm, you will go with Aaron to paint stage B, it won't be needed till tomorrow and needs a fresh paint coat." Then she walks off.

I glance over at my partner to see tears in his eyes. Why is he so upset? Sure this isn't going to fun and probably awkward but why is he going to cry? I watch as Anthony puts a soothing hand on his back and whisper something to him that I can't hear.

"YO! Italian! We've got a booth to set up!" I hear Jack yell. Anthony flinches and hesitates before leaving Aaron. Anthony glances back as he walks away like a mother leaving her child at school for the first time.

"C'mon, let's go find the paint" I tell the now shakey man. As I watch him slowly walk in front of me, I start to realize that he is like a timid Chiwawa. A cold and shaking, timid chiwawa.

Finally, we reach the stage and see that white paint is waiting for us.

"White? Seriously? They couldn't come up with something more original?" I mumble sarcastically. I hear Aaron whisper something quietly.

"Pardon? What was that?" I ask, curiously.

"Its not quite white. Probably off white or egg shell white." He says a little louder. I smirk at the man. Wow, he's adorable.

I shake my head and stop that train of thought before it goes any further. I've spent years trying to get this kid out of my head and I'm not going to let a giggle and a comment about paint ruin that.

Aaron's POV~

We've been painting for about an hour and I still haven't spoken more than a few words. I don't understand how one man can make me so on edge. Every time I look at him, all I can picture is him laughing alongside Jack on that stage.

You think he actually loved you?

Yes, jack I did. Apparently I was horribly wrong though.

"Do Penguins have knees?" Another one of Ohm's horrid attempt at getting me to talk. I wonder if he even realized how much he hurt me. How can he just expect casual conversation after tuning me into a walking, talking chicken?

"Yes." I reply simply and quietly. I didn't say it rudely but I hope my sharpness of speach will illiterate my opinion on talking.

"Oh, well, do you like chickens?" He asks innocently.

Oh, I get it now. Penguins was a segway to talk about the talent show. I feel my gut recoil and the stab wound of words hit me. I will my tears to go away but its too late, they've already begun the journey down my cheeks.

"Oh, wow dude are you alright? Was it something I said?" Ohm asks.

"Are you honestly that oblivious!? Or are you trying to get a reaction out of me!? Ohm, the last time I saw you, you had turned me into a chicken!" I shout at him, unable to contain my emotions. I watch as his eyes widen. "Oh, that rings a bell doesn't it? I actually believed you when you said you loved me. Well, guess I'm just an idiot then! I bet you went home to Jack every night, laughing together as you told him how easily I believed your lies! How I fell right into your trap! You know what Ohm!? Fuck you!"

I had barley finished my rant before throwing my paint brush back into the tin and sprinting out of the room. Ohm called after me but I didn't care anymore.

My heart isn't broken, its shattered, and there's no recovery from that.

Dun dun duuuunnnnn.. Well, there's chapter two!! I promise that Ohm won't always be a dick but he will be for a little bit.

If you have any Questions, Comments, Concerns or Contributions, feel free to contact me!

Stay lovley! See you Saturday!

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