Chapter 5~ i told you this would happen

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( I'm sorry its a day late!!!)
Aaron's POV~

"Rise and shine!"

I'm startled awake by Adam jumping on my bed and screaming.

"Shut up!" I hear Chilled groan from the neighboring room.

"Get your lazzy booteh up or you're next!" Adam counters, still bouncing on my bed.

"Addaaammmmm, get off please" I groan. After being awoken by my seceret admirer, I was awake until nearly 7am. My body is not ready to get up yet.

"Buutt aaarrrooonnn, we need to meet the faaannnssss" Adam whines while crawling up the bed to straddle me. Finally, I open my eyes to look at the man above me.

"Hiya!" He says, giggling. I can't help but laugh along with the adorable man.

"Whoa! Okay, remember when I told you guys that you should tone down the gayness? This is exactly what I was talking about"

I turn my head to face Chilled in the doorframe. An idea pops into my head.

"Rape!" I yell, thrashing my limbs in an attempt to escape. Chilled rolls his eyes, not buying my ruse. This only makes Nanners giggle more.

"Shhh, love. Stop squirming, it'll only make it hurt more" he whispers in a suggestive manner. He places his hand over my mouth. I lick his hand and I watch as his face contorts in disgust. He leans back, pulling his hand away. "Ewwwwwww" he complains, examining his hand.

I take this moment of weakness to shove him off and roll away. Only one faulter in my plan, I forgot we were on a high bed. I hit the ground hard making I loud crash sound. Chilled and Adam burst out laughing and I can feel my cheeks grow hot.

"What's Adam done now?" A new voice questions teasingly. I look up and watch as Chilled spins on his heels and runs into the hall. He crashes into Ze's chest, hugging him tight. "ZEEEEEEEE!"

"I missed you too Chilly Willy" Ze teases using the nickname Chilled hates.

Adam hops off the bed and runs over to the two hugging me. "Group hug!"

Anthony and Steven try to protest, but its too late. Adam already has his death grip on the two men.

"Noooooooooo!" Chilled and Ze groan simultaneously.

"Aaarroonnnn! Save us!" Chilled yells, gasping for air.

I jump up and head over to the cluster of men. I need a plan if I want to get Adam off of them. Suddenly, I have an idea. I walk behind adam and step close. I pull my knee back and then up, getting the unsuspecting Nanners in the 'booteh'.

Adam shrieks in surprise, letting go of the two captured souls to hold his bum with both hands. Anthony and Steven scurry away, gasping for air.

"Ah-Ha!" I yell triumphantly. Unfortunately, my victory is short lived. Adam spins around, a devious smirk on his face.

"Uh-oh" Steven whispers.

"Run!" Chilled yells.

I don't have to be asked twice. I use my  tinyness to my advantage by dodging Adam and running down the hall. I'm not very fast though. I'm not even at the stairs when Adam grabs me in a tackle.

When we hit the ground, I realize I'm now facing him, my back to the floor and Adam straddling me. He pins my hands above my head and leans close until we're only centimeters apart. My heart quickens as I think about how Ohm and I were in this exact same position less than 24 hours ago.

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