Chapter 16~ Renée The Drama Llama

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Aaron's PoV~

I was standing in the kitchen, eating bacon when Adam runs into the room screaming my name.

"Whhhhhaaaaatttttttt?" I ask, annoyed and setting down my bacon.

"Double date! Tonight! You have no say!" He shouts, catching his breath.

"What?" I ask, confused " what about Chilled and Ze?"

"They set everything up! They got reservations at a restaurant and bought us tickets to a movie! They want the four of us to go out. They said they plan to just hangout here, play some Gmod." Max explains, walking into the room.

"Call Ohm, make sure he's not doing something tonight." Adam suggests, leaning over and stealing some bacon.

"Hey! My bacon!" I call out. Max shakes his head and puts his arm around the giggling Nannerman.

I sigh and pull out my cell phone, tapping on Ohm's contact. I hear the phone dial his number then ring twice before cutting to the answering machine. Slowly, I pull the phone away from my ear. The expression on my face must have given away that something was wrong.

"What's up?" Max asks, concerned.

"He hung up. He didn't even answer the phone, just, hung up. He wouldn't do that. He would tell me that he couldn't talk!" I rant, pacing back and forth. "What if something's wrong? What if Jack got out already?"

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Calm down man, I'm sure he's just talking to a fan or in a coffee shop or something. You're all worked up over probably nothing" Max reasons, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah..okay...I guess you're right. I'm just worried after everything that's happened" I tell him, my heart still pounding with worry for my man.

Max gives me a reassuring smile "you have good reason to worry with all Jack put you through but I'm sure that it's nothing, Ohm will be home soon. Okay?"

I return the smile "Okay"

Max and Adam leave the kitchen and I take a deep breath. It's all gonna be fine.


"Honeys I'm home!" Ohm jokes, entering the house.

A wave of relief hits me as I run up to him and hug him tight. He's fine, Aaron. Ohm Is perfectly fine and you can stop worrying.

"Whoa! Aaron, you okay? Did something happen?" Ohm asks, concern coating his voice. I don't respond, I'm not sure how to. I'm slightly embarrassed over being worried yet a layer of suspicion surrounds me over why he didn't answer.

"He was worried when you hung up the phone and didn't answer" Max tells him. I glance back at the couch where Max and Adam sit to see Adam eyeing Ohm suspiciously.

"Awe, don't worry love, I was busy, that's all" Ohm reassure me. I smile at him, showing that it was okay. For some reason I still couldn't find my voice. Adam wasn't as easy to drop the topic though.

"With what?" He asks, suspicion clear in his question.

Ohm hesitates a moment before answering "I ran into a fan"

"Oh, hey! Ohm's back! So is he up for the double date?" Ze asks, walking down the stairs with Chilled trailing behind him.

"What?" Ohm asks, confused.

I glance over to Adam who is clearly annoyed that he couldn't interrogate Ohm any further.

"Anthony and Ze set up a double date for seamexican and us" I tell Ohm, loosening my grip but not letting go.

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