Chapter 12~ shadow's identity?

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Ohm's POV~

Aaron stares at his phone for a few moments, seemingly petrifyed.

"What's wrong?" I ask, concerened.

"How could you do that?" He asks, his voice filled with disbelief and his face showing hurt.

"Do, what?" I ask, now utterly list as to what's happened.

Aaron gives me a look that says I should know what hapened but turns his phone around anyway. My heart skips a beat when I see a photo I thought I'd never see again. My heart nearly stops when I notice who posted it.

"You think I did this?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Who else could have? It's your account! What did someone hack your Twitter account and also happen to have that photo?" He's almost yelling now and I see tears in his eyes.

I begin to panic. He's never going to believe me. I'm going to loose him for the third time.

Shadow's POV~

I smirk, watching the scene from afar. Aaron will never believe Ohm. There's no way. Ohm's face seems to flash panic for a moment then he begins to talk again.

"Aaron, think about it, I litteraly just got my phone back! How could I post it that quick?"

I look at Aaron, who seems to consider this. No. No! Don't believe him!

"I just...I don't know what to believe any more." Aaron says, shaking his head and pacing the hallway. I move behind the wall a little more so that they would see me.

"Please Aaron!" Ohm pleas "Why would I do that to you? Why would I do it on my account if I did!? You would immediately know its me!"

Aaron stops mid walk, seemingly realizing something. "What if this has been the same person?" He says, turning to face Ohm. Ohm cocks his head in confusion.

"Your Ex kissing you, the cops showing up the other day, this being posted! What if someone is doing this on pourpose!" Aaron explains.

No... Damn it. If Ohm believes this, I'm screwed.

"Like who? who would do that?" Ohm asks, shaking his head.

Yes! please don't believe Aaron!

"I don't know a crazed fan?" Aaron suggests, shrugging his shoulders.

"No. How would they get the photo? Someone would have had to go on my phone."

Aaron pauses for a moment before a look of worry crosses his face. "I actually hope I'm wrong."

Ohm looks at him, confused. "why?"

"Because they'd need to get in your phone recently...they'd need our locker key. Only four people have the key. You, Adam, Chilled, and Jack"


I walk with Ohm towards our group of friends. My heart beat picks up with anticipation. One of these guys is trying to break us up.

"Hey Aaron!" Adam yells, smiling. I wave over to him.

"Ehhh! Its Ohm and Aaron!" Chilled says, putting his hands up in the air like some sort of victory was won. Max just shakes his head at the two and waves to Ohm and I.

"Where's Jack?" Ohn asks, glancing at me.

Red flag number one. We agreed to count red flags and weigh the possibility of who it is later.

"Right here!" We turn around and see that we walked right past him. Oh, I guess that wasn't a red flag then.

"Sorry, didn't see you there" I say, trying to laugh it off. Jack look at me for a moment, like hes going to say something, but then seems to change his mind and walk away. Weird.

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