chapter 28

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But before he lost consciousness, he bit Damian's arm.

Damian: ahh what's the point * suddenly everything is foggy in front of his eyes * hey why do I get dizzy alac issy what's going on.

Issy: * immediately runs to Damian and holds him tight so he doesn't fall down * Alac contact the institute, we need reinforcements and Magnus.

Without waiting, alac contacts the institute and Magnus. Not even ten seconds later a portal opens and Magnus comes with ten shadowhunters who immediately go to the group, but Magnus goes to Damian.

Magnus: the demon poisoned him, I can't help him here, he has to go to the institute. I'll take him there.

Without waiting for an answer, he opens the portal to the institute and went inside.

Outside the room 5 minutes before

It all started with a little argument but no one expected that two guys would turn into a knife fight from the little argument. Somebody contacted the police and it only got worse. The police shot at the two fighters after they were shot, rode the gesture in panic and ran out screaming.

Back in the room with the group

The shadowhunter arrested the group and left the building with the help of a portal.

20 minutes before at raven

"Where can it be Damian why can't you just tell me what's going on. What if something happened to you and you * hear a loud bang and followed by a scream * what's going on I hope Damian has nothing to do with it" goes back only to see all the visitors running out in panic and the police running in. "I have to find Damian.

: haven't you heard all out

Raven: what? Hey

Some guy is pushing Raven out

Raven: hey my friend is still there somewhere

: He's probably already outside and waiting for you.

In the institute

The next day

Damian: where am I and why does my whole body hurt.

Isabel: Hey, you're in the institute and yesterday you were bitten by a demon and he poisoned you. But we brought you to the institute in time and healed you.

Damian: what time is it

Isabel: It's half past one now

Damian: I was passed out for so long

Isabel: yes and here * gives him his smartphone * you got a lot of messages and calls during that time. I did not answer. I wonder your cell phone didn't explode with messages.

Damian: yes I would rather vote than dead.

Isabel: why

Damian: over a hundred missed calls from my girlfriend and father with brother.

Isabel: yes you are dead

Damian: okay * breathe out * I can do it

Isabel: I'm out

Damian: * calls Dick *
Dick: Damian you are fine, where are you, what happened, why did you leave, where have you been, are you hurt.

Damian: grayson I'm fine

Isabel: I would say otherwise

Damian: issy

Dick: who is that, wait you're hurt that's why you disappeared

Damian: Dick, I'll say that again, I'm fine, you don't have to look for me.

Dick: Damian please

Damian: Dick, I don't know when I can leave the sick ward and

Issy: tomorrow it's better if you rest

Dick: Damian

Damian: I'll be back tomorrow

Dick: Damian

Damian: see you tomorrow grayson * hangs up and exhale with relief *

Issy: I know how you feel. Alac reacts the same way when I'm hurt but at least you can hang up and I can't because my brother is always here.

Alac: hey, it's that bad when I'm worried

Issy: no but it's annoying

Alac: Isabel

Issy: I'll go Damian take a rest

Alac: Damian how are you feeling

Damian: Hellish headache and my whole body feels like I've fallen off a cliff.

Alac: yes it is always the case when you have been poisoned but you were lucky that magnus came so quickly otherwise you would not be alive anymore. Okay, I just wanted to check how you are feeling and I'm going again because you need a lot of rest now and I don't want to bother you any further. Just one question do you want any pain relievers to help you fall asleep better.

Damian: yes

Alac: wait I'll bring it to you.

Damian: alac

Alac: yes

Damian: Thanks for the help

Alac: not a thing

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