chapter 17

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Damian: * sighs * he can get on his nerves sometimes.

Raven: * hugs him again *

Damian: since when have you been seeing so much physical contact?

Raven: after darkside's attacks, I felt lonely, but when you're with me I'm happy.

Damian: * smiled * I won't promise to leave you alone anymore.

Raven: I know and what about your control.

Damian: so far well I have to go to magnus before tomorrow you come with me. He'll be glad to see you again.

Raven: gladly but I have individual training with kory tomorrow. Sorry i can't come.

Damian: Another bad time.

Raven: yes

Damian: let's see a film together with me.

Raven: yes, gladly

Damian: here * gives her his laptop * choose a film and I'll make the popcorn and bring the drinks.

Raven: okay

Damian goes to the kitchen

In the kitchen

Dick: hey what are you doing?

Damian: what do you look like?

Dick: you make popcorn

Damian: you see grayson you answered your question yourself.

Dick: you are not a big fan of popcorn and therefore you would eat me as a snack. We have a movie evening and I forgot it.

Damian: No just raven and I and where is Kory I have to tell her something else it is important.

Dick: she's in her room.

Damian: Thanks

Get everything ready and go back to his room.

Damian: here I have to do something

Raven: okay then I connect the TV to the laptop.

Damian: yes do it

Raven: do you need a long time?

Damian: No.

Damian goes to kory and knocks on the door. And kory opens the door.

Kory: Damian

Damian: kory I wanted to ask if I can go back to New York tomorrow.

Kory: if you can tell me the reason.

Damian: I want to visit a friend

Kory: no problem you are logged out for tomorrow

Damian: Thank you I'll go then

Kory: yes do that * close the door *

Damian goes back to his room

Raven: there you are I chose a series

Damian: Which one

Raven: Lucifer * grins *

Damian: * chuckles * and why did you choose this series?

Raven: Because I thought you would like it.

Damian: then go on

The next morning our couple is still sleeping in the same place. They had slept in the middle of the night during the series. And raven wakes up in front of Damian. Wants to get up carefully so as not to wake him but fails.

Damian: good morning raven

Raven: I didn't want to wake you up

Damian: all is well. What time is it right now .

Raven: It's just ... 8:55 in the morning.

Damian: so late I have to go to magnus today.

Raven: What are you going to learn today

Damian: magnus had promised to teach me spells.

Raven: It'll be interesting

Damian: and you voted for a mission today.

Raven: yes but believe me it is boring, I would rather learn spells with you at magnus instead of doing this mission.

Damian: shame next time

Raven: yes, but now I have to go, the mission starts soon and I still have to get ready.

Damian: okay go before kory gets impatient.

Raven: yes and have fun Magnus

Damian: thanks

After Raven left. Damian changes his clothes and goes to town on the way, he had sent a message to Magnus to open a portal for him. Damian sends him coordinates where he should open the portal. The coordinates were in an abandoned alley.

In Magnus apartment

Damian comes through the portal.

Magnus: hey cookie (I think that's cute if magnus called Damian cookie, that's cute) willing to learn the art of magic.

Damian: yes

Magnus: okay do you want tea I bought a new type of tea yesterday.

Damian: I don't mind * sees a large bookshelf * I can read the books.

Magnus: yes of course I'm going to make tea.

Magnus goes into the kitchen and Damian takes a book from the shelf.

Damian: the book looks very old.

Magnus: it is too

Damian: * hadn't noticed him and is startled *

Magnus: sorry I didn't mean to scare you.

Damian: all is well

Magnus: here is your tea

Damian: thanks what have you planned for today?

Magnus: I wanted to start with simple spells today, for example moving objects.

Damian: okay and what's in this book?

Magnus: * takes the book from Damian hands and opened it * here are magic spells but very old ones. We can also take some from here.

Damian: can I use the spells from this book.

Magnus: yes * his smartphone sounds * I'll be right back.

Magnus goes out of the room.

He comes back in after 10 minutes.

Magnus: hey Damian we can start where are you. No that didn't happen.

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