Alicante?? idris??

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Damian is sitting on the plane raving with Magnus

Raven: why are we flying in an airplane and not using a portal.

Magnus: we won't use our powers so that we don't get too tired or attract other demons to us.

Damian: and we know what to expect on the search.

Magnus: we'll be there soon

Raven: but you still haven't said where we're going.

Magnus: idris

Raven: where exactly is idris

Magnus: idris only know shadowhunter. People don't know the place. Idris lies between France Germany and Switzerland. It is not recorded on a single human map. Because, as I said, people don't know the place.

Raven: but how do you manage to keep the place so secret.

Magnus: magic

Damian: I gathered some information about idris and there is only one city.

Magnus: yes idris is not very big compared to other countries but it is beautiful.

Raven: what's the name of the city

Magnus: Alicante

Damian: Idris consists of a city a large forest and a lake.

Magnus: the brocelind forest is very dangerous, especially if you go too deep you can be attacked by wild werewolf packs and vampire clans. And the lyn lake when we are on the way and are nearby, no one is allowed to drink from the lake, understood no water from the lake.

Raven: why is he poisoned

Magnus: you can say when you drink from the lake you get paranoid and see everyone as an enemy who wants to kill you, regardless of who it is. Therefore do not drink from the sea.

Damian: understood

Raven: Good to know, any other information we need to know.

Magnus: I think I've said it all. And we arrived on time.

Damian: where are we

Magnus: in Switzerland it's not far from here. Damian I want to show you how you can open the portal to idris.

Damian: it is different from a normal portal.

Magnus: yes because you open the gate to idris is not a normal portal.

Damian: okay and how is it done.

Magnus: I'll show you

Magnus lifts his hands slightly and whispers something in another language. After he has finished his sentence, a portal opens that looks like a gate. He leaves it open for a few seconds and closes it again using a spell.

Damian: the language you spoke sounds familiar to me.

Magnus: the spell Proverbs was created by a French magician before my time.

Damian: I have read all the books you gave me, but there was no French magic there.

Magnus: When we get home I'll give you a few more books and we can practice again.

Damian: yes

Raven: I don't want to disturb you for the moment, but we have a mission.

Damian stands up straight and does exactly as Magnus showed him. And from the first attempts he opens the gate.

Magnus: well done kid

Raven: * goes to Damian and takes his hand in hers * we can go.

Magnus: yes come

Without another word, all three go through

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