the plan

330 9 0

Switzerland Zurich

In a house on the outskirts of the city, two well-known villains are sitting on armchairs.

Valintin Morgenstern and darkside

Darkside: you said you saw the future.

Valintin: yes everything was destroyed, but there is someone who has also come into the past and he has already changed a lot, which is why our timeline is different. It has to be removed then you can make the world the way it should be again.

Darkside: who is this someone

Valintin: a boy but I don't know who he is yet. I have an idea and it should work, I know a way.

Darkside: that would be

Valintin: if I put the three emgelinsigia together I can conjure up the archangel rasiel and then I have a wish and that would be the death of this boy.

Darkside: wouldn't it be easier and quicker to kill him from my demons.

Valintin: your demons are not strong enough to kill the boy he is stronger and poses too great a danger.

Darkside: where are your three emgelsinsigien

Valintin: I'm looking

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