chapter 9

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Next morning 11:00 a.m.

Batman calls kory

Kory: hello batman is there still a mission?

Batman: I wanted to talk to robin

Kory: He's logged out of my house for the day.

Batman: he's out of town

Kory: no

Batman: what did he sign out for?

Kory: he and raven are in New York today because they wanted to buy books that don't exist here.

Batman: thanks for the information * ends the call *

Dick was right, he was acting weird. He signed off and didn't run away without permission. I doubt he's in New York to buy books, he must be up to something else and why is raven with him. I have to find out what he's up to.

new York
Damian and raven

Raven: there is the shop you come

Damian: and what if he doesn't remember me.

Raven: You won't find out if we stop here. * takes his hand * you've waited so long to see him again.

Damian: you are right

* both go into the shop *

The shop looks pleasant from the inside, despite the fact that it is for clairvoyants, I relaxed from the first second that I am here. If this shop is really from magnus I will recognize its style.

Magnus: give me a minute I'll be right there.

I didn't notice that there was a bell on the door.

Damian was so nervous and now he's relaxed.

Magnus: we can I help you * looks damian *

Raven: how to look for someone called magnus bane.

Magnus: I'm magnus bane * turns the closed shield and closes the door * I thought your mother made you forget me.

Damian: * shakes her head *

Magnus: come here * hug him * I missed you.

Damian: me too * part from the hug *

Magnus: sorry lady is her name?

Raven: my name is raven

Magnus: raven nice name you are damian's girlfriend.

Raven: well

Damian: She is my friend we are in a relationship.

Magnus: Congratulations and how long do we want to go to the kitchen? I have tea and sweet pastries.

Damian: yes we have a lot of catching up to do and you still have to tell me what kind of mission it was, why you left the league.

Magnus: It's a long story, I'm going to prepare the tea. * goes *

Raven: * red * I'm your friend

Damian: don't you want that

Raven: but it is so spontaneous and unexpected.

Damian: * kisses her forehead gently * magnus is waiting come

Are in the kitchen

Magnus: So how long have you been together?

Damian: for a few days

Raven: yes other question why did you go?

Magnus: I was sent away because your mother thought it was better if I was gone she thought I was making you soft. You know her for her and a leader doesn't have to have any emotions. And she sent me away I wanted to get you out of there because I knew she was going to hurt you but she warned me. If I'm around you, they'll kill you and replace you with a clone. I couldn't let that happen and that's why I left.

Raven: now everything is different

Damian: yes, now I'm here

Raven: Damian told me he had powers but I couldn't feel any magic in him why?

Magnus: Before I left, your mother asked me to block your powers. And I did, but I can wake her up again.

Damian: but if you wake her up then I can't control it.

Magnus: we can start training again and your girlfriend can support you.

Raven: I can teach you to control them.

Damian: how does it work. To awaken the forces.

Magnus: you would have to lie down and relax for that. sofa

Damian lay down on the sofa and is relaxed.

Magnus puts his hands on damian's head and whispers a spell.

It feels kind of weird. I feel a tingling sensation all over my body.

Magnus: finished how did it feel?

Damian: I felt a tingling sensation all over my body.

Magnus: that's good that means the magic worked.

Raven: he's got his powers back?

Magnus: yes

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