his powers are dangerous

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The next day he went back to the tower and told everyone what happened. And so another month passed during the time terra and even got together, kory and Nightwing moved in together, jon joined the team, jaime got together with tracy (was her name so I don't remember it) Damian has a lot of time with raven spent and of course his training in front of him. He also took part in some of the shadowhunter missions at night.

In institute
Alac Magnus and Isabel

Magnus: his powers are much more powerful than I expected.

Isabel: how powerful

Magnus: he could destroy the whole earth if he wanted.

Alac: like a bomb that can export at any moment.

Isabel: Was that the reason his mother asked you to take his strength

Magnus: One of them but the biggest reason was that you thought he was too powerful and would go against the league.

Isabel: but he controls himself then that's not a problem I've seen him fight he doesn't use his powers.

Magnus: that's not the problem

Alac: what's the problem

Magnus: yes he controls his powers but if he uses them too much in a fight or a much too complicated spell he will * fall silent *

Isabel: Magnus, what can happen

Magnus: his body can't take it he would die.

Alac: what * shocked *

Isabel: he would die * sad *

Magnus: yes I tried to control his powers years ago but I couldn't do it. I'm hundreds of years old and he's only fifteen. His body would not take such a load and would break.

Alac: but if you knew that it is dangerous to give him the powers, why do you do it.

Magnus: I have my reasons, but it's too early to talk about it.

Isabel: wait you prepare him for something but for what.

Magnus: everything with time like it says "the less you know the better you sleep" so kids i have to go.

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