chapter 12

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After hours of driving, you have arrived in Gotham. After parking the car in the garage, Alfred is already standing at the door and greets them.

Alfred: master damian master dick they are there and on time for dinner.

Everyone goes to the dining area

Bruce: boys you arrived how was the ride?

Dick: pleasant

Damian: calm

After dinner

Damian: Father you wanted to talk to me

Bruce: it's late damian tomorrow.

Damian: so it doesn't matter

Bruce: Damian tomorrow

Damian turned and went to his room.

Dick: I think I know why Damian is acting weird.

Bruce: and what's your guess.

Dick: damian is growing up

Bruce: I noticed that too

Dick: and I think he has a girlfriend.

Bruce: what

Dick: yes I know it's hard to believe.

Alfred: and why do you think that

Dick: In the time I was in Titan’s Tower I saw Damian and Raven spending time together almost all the time.

Alfred: maybe master damian finds the presence of her pleasant and she is a good conversation partner.

Dick: and I saw that he had light lipstick marks. And that's why I think he's in a relationship with raven.

Bruce: I have a conversation with him tomorrow and then I ask him.

Dick: do you think he'll tell you everything?

Bruce: we'll find out tomorrow.

While Bruce Alfred and Dick were talking. Had heard everything damian.

* I should tell raven everything * goes back to his room quickly and quietly.

Call raven

Raven: hey

Damian: raven i think my family is smarter than i thought

Raven: what do you mean?

Damian: You think I have a girlfriend

Raven: is that a problem?

Damian: wait that's no problem for you?

Raven: why should I have a problem with that or did you talk about another girl. I don't know something.

Damian: raven you are the only one in my life.

Raven: I know

Damian: and why do you say that then?

Raven: I was just kidding * smiles * how was your day.

After damian and raven had a long conversation.

Raven: It is late and I have training tomorrow.

Damian: yes, I also have a busy day tomorrow and there is still a conversation with my father.

Raven: then I say good night.

Damian: good night.

Hangs up

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