chapter 23

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Damian: I don't know because I already have a team and that is also very far from my home.

Alac: I don't want to rush you, you have enough time to think about it. I wanted to show you the academy too.

Damian: what do shadowhunters actually do.

Alac: shadowhunter protect people from demons but that doesn't mean that we fight all demons because some are on our side and help to send the evil demons back to hell.

Damian: and who are the shadowhunters i don't think they are normal people. No offense.

Alac: all good but you're right shadowhunter are hybrid half human half angel.

Damian: and what do I have to do with it

Alac: we believe that you are a hybrid but not a shadowhunter hybrid but a new kind.

Damian: What

Magnus: my guess is that you are half angel and half demon.

Damian: what but how

Magnus: you know you weren't born naturally. And I think your mother infected you with angels blood and demons blood.

Alac: No normal person can accept angels and demons blood and in the end he dies but you. You had no problems Magnus had observed your health and gave us all the information.

Magnus: and after long discussions we decided to continue training you in the academy. Only if you agree.

Alac: here we have a wide variety of training rooms and you can learn to use Engel's weapons. And I don't expect you to give the answer right away and when you are ready to join our team let me know.

Damian: * nods *

Alac: Shall I show you the academy?

Damian: I don't mind

Magnus: okay you show Damian the academy and I have to do something.

Alac: yes we start here, as you can see, this is the meeting and the main room is where the missions are distributed and the most important messages are said. * go to another room * this is the training room. You know what the room is used for, but that is not the main training room. Few of them train here because the other room is more technically advanced and the equipment is there, but it is still a good training room, a pity that it is rarely used. But that's okay, let's move on.

Alac shows Damian, the whole academy throughout the tour tells alac all things and information about the rooms. Damian is slightly enthusiastic about the academy here there are all kinds of training rooms and a great many weapons of different types.

Both are in the training room.

Alac: I can see that you like your swords

Damian: what metal were they made of?

Alac: people don't know this type of metal. All of our weapons are made by angels.

Damian: does it mean that they are holy

Alac: yes and I wanted to do a little test with you.

Damian: what a test

Alac: Magnus didn't tell you its missing.

Damian: no

Alac: he thinks you have angelic blood.

Damian: but what how does that mean that one of my parents has or had angel's blood

Alac: no, we checked that and you got artificially infected. * takes blood from him with a syringe * I'll take it to the lab and you can just talk somehow, if you want you can go to the training room. * goes *

Damian decides on the training room and goes there.

In the training room

Damian looks at the weapons.

Isabel: hey

Damian: hey

Isabel: I don't know you, are you new

Damian: you can say

Isabel: Damian

Damian: yes how do you know that

Isabel: Alac told me about you. I am his sister Isabel.

Damian: you know my name

Isabel: If you want to fight then I can see what fighting skills you have.

Damian: I don't mind

After a long and exhausting fight, both were exhausted and it was a draw.

Isabel: * breathing heavily * you are a good fighter and clearly not a beginner. Magnus was right you're a professional.

Damian: thank you, you're not bad either

Alac: I see you met each other

Isabel: yeah and you didn't lie, he's really a good fighter.

Alac: yes umd I asked again because you are a special case and you said yes that it can happen that a nephilim angel and demon are at the same time.

Isabel: wait he's an elf then

Alac: that is also that special Damian is a full angel but also demons and he can also combine it.

Damian: like combining, I don't understand.

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