Chapter 15: I Feel So...

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Well, well, well it's been a hot minute since I updated this story so I thought you all might like a new chapter. I hope you enjoy it.

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Chapter 15: I Feel So...

Miles arrives back from his trip with James; he notices Jamal cooking them a dinner. Jamal asks, "How was your trip?" Miles says, "It was a great trip. I've been so much happier around James." Jamal says, "There is something else there; what is it?" Miles says, "James asked me to move in with him and I don't know what to do." Jamal says, "You said James has been making you happy? I don't see the problem here. I think you should. But it's whatever you would like to do." Miles says, "We've been together for 7 months; seven! I think I need some more time to think it over." Jamal says, "What does your heart tell you? What does your gut tell you?" Miles says, "My heart says to go for it; my gut says no and then I feel like I'm losing James. I love him too much to do that. This is the first time in my life of where I feel normal and I don't have to hide around James. I can be myself around him." Jamal says, "I think it sounds like you made your mind up." Miles says, "I think so."

Miles gives James a call and he picks up and asks, "I've been thinking it over and I want to move in with you." James says back, "Yes, yes, yes! I cannot wait! Love you." Miles says, "Me too." James says, "I'll pick you up tomorrow and we can load your stuff in my car." Miles says, "That sounds good." James says, "You sound hesitant; you okay?" Miles says, "It's just a lot to take in that's all. But I think everything will turn out just fine." James says, "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!" Miles hangs up the call, and Jamal sets the dinner table for the two of them. "I see you're moving in tomorrow with James." says Jamal. "Yes, I am." says Miles. "Did you need help packing or anything? I am your best friend, now." says Jamal. "Yes, that would be nice thanks, man." says Miles. After dinner + cleanup, Jamal helps out with Miles to help him move tomorrow. Miles had extra moving boxes and they sort and pack.

The next morning...

August 2019

Jamal's apartment / James' Apartment

Miles awakes this morning to see James outside his window; Best greeting ever!- Miles thought. He hops out of bed and James walks up to the door to give him a kiss. "Hi, babe; happy to see you." says James. "Me too." says Miles, wrapping his arms around James. "You've got all of your things ready to go?" says James. "Yeah, want a coffee first?" says Miles. "Sure." says James. Miles makes a pot of coffee for everyone; he brews it just as Jamal is waking up. "Morning, James." says Jamal. "Morning." says James. "How are you?" says Jamal. "Good." says James. "I'll grab cups and does anyone want breakfast?" says Miles. "Yes, I'll make something for everyone." says Jamal. "That sounds good." says Miles.

Jamal makes breakfast and converses with everyone else; he makes waffles slathered in maple syrup and fruit. What can I say? I gotta a friend that can cook!- Miles thought. After breakfast, Miles grabs boxes and puts them in James's car. Miles gives a hug to his best buddy, Jamal, and tells him that this isn't the last time he'll see him. Jamal trusts his instincts as always; Miles and James leave and head back to James's apartment. They begin moving in things slowly and surely. After a few hours, the boys' receive a text from Adam saying, "Lunch?" They respond with a "Yes." and head out to lunch to see Adam. They meet with Adam for lunch and he sees the glow on both of the boys' faces.

"I sense something good has happened?" says Adam. "James asked me to move in with him." says Miles. "What?! I'm just now hearing this? Congrats! How long have you been dating?" says Adam. "We hit 7 months when we went to Boston." says James. "Wow! That's awesome. How are you feeling?" says Adam. "I've been a bit overwhelmed but I've got good feelings about this." says Miles. "Well, Miles, I'm happy for the two of you. Let's eat and chat more." says Adam.

They all grab drinks and their lunches and continue to converse more. Miles hears his phone ring and it's estranged mom Gloria and he declines to answer her call. He knows to not to revisit that person anymore. He's been moved on from that for a while. But halfway through eating with the boys', he sees someone that looks like his dad. Is that my estranged dad? And he's with another man? Is there something he's hiding from my estranged mother? Or did she know?- Miles thought. "You good babe?" says James. "I stepped aside for a minute to answer a call and declined it because it was my estranged mother. Then I could've sworn I saw my estranged dad because he was with a man. My former mom said he left but didn't state why." Miles says. "Was your dad supportive at all?" says Adam. "No, he wasn't. This came across as a surprise to me and he only was religious for my former mom. It was like he was trying to tell her something and he knew he would get kicked out if my dad mentioned the truth to my former mom. It's like my former dad was living a lie." says Miles. "Well, it took you a while to realize your truth maybe it was the same for your dad." says Adam. "Yeah, maybe so." says Miles. "You ready to go?" says Adam. "Yeah." says both Miles & James. Adam grabs the check and everyone heads on back home. 

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