Chapter 5- This life is starting to be better than before.

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Long time no see with this story- hadn't written a new chapter since June. Geez it has been too long! I've got a new chapter for you to read and feast your eyes on. I hope you like it.

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The same day...

Miles and Jamal head back to the apartment after they have gotten their caffeine fix. I cannot be any more happier since I've figured out the person I've meant to become- Miles thought. After they walk into the apartment, they decide to veg out for the remainder of the day. Jamal orders dinner in, and Miles doesn't have any problem with that. Miles hears his phone, and yet again, his mom won't leave him alone. Why cannot she understand that I need my space? You never even began to accept me as this "new person".- Miles thought. He turns the phone over and out of the blue, Miles screams. Jamal turns head and is kind of giving him a look like What?.

"Sorry, I'm just tired of my past bothering me anymore than I needed it to." says Miles. "You just scared me for a second. We've been having such good times. Is it your mom again?" says Jamal. "I don't understand why she won't leave me alone. And she keeps calling; even texts sometimes." says Miles. "You want to block her number?" says Jamal. "Yes, let's do that." says Miles.

Jamal blocks both of Miles' parents numbers so hopefully they cannot contact him anymore. Miles takes a deep breath, and knows that is all going to be okay. Jamal says, "How did your parents get into being what they are?" Miles says, "I don't like to talk about it much. But for you, I'll mention it. My mom had her mom take her to church one day and she has a sudden interest to read and recite bible verses. With my dad it was a little different, he got introduced to it when he met my mother and that's that. I couldn't stand when she preached those words on me. I had a hard time believing them. I would always tune them out whenever possible. She even dragged me to a service one day with my dad. It was like already being dragged into hell. I felt weirdly punished to be in a church even when I didn't feel comfortable there in the first place. Anytime I would pass by one, I wouldn't even want to look at it because of it being a constant reminder of my past." says Miles. "I'm sorry it was that way for you. I had no idea." says Jamal. "It's okay. I'm just happier than I was then." says Miles. "Did it lead you to almost... you know?" says Jamal. "I tried numerous times but failed. I hated the fact that I had to hide myself from my parents. I hated being someone I wasn't." says Miles. "I felt the same way around my parents. Sorry it was going to lead to that. You wouldn't be here if it did happen. I wouldn't have my best buddy." says Jamal. "I know. I'm glad I didn't." says Miles.

Miles and Jamal turn in a few hours later and begin anew tomorrow. The next day, Miles gets up ahead of Jamal and walks to a nearby coffee shop and picks them both up coffee and some baked goods. He gets back before Jamal even wakes up. Miles take notice of the sunrise while he has his coffee and croissant. He turns his head to see Jamal has waken up.

"Morning." says Jamal. "Morning. Brought back coffee and a scone for you." says Miles. "You went to get us coffee? And baked goods? Man, thanks." says Jamal. "No problem even though I'll be hungry after this soon." says Miles. "Same here." says Jamal. "What did you want to do today?" says Miles. "I don't know I didn't have anything planned." says Jamal.

Miles' phone rings and it's Adam. He's inviting both him and Jamal to brunch this day. That's awful nice of him!- Miles thought. Miles sends him a text back saying: We'll go. Thanks for the invite. Adam sends back: No prob. See you at 11am.

"Now we've got plans. That was nice of Adam." says Miles. "Yes it was." says Jamal. "Damn, now I gotta put on my hot boy clothes." says Miles. "Well, I guess I gotta do that too." says Jamal.

Both of those boys get dressed and freshened up for brunch with Adam. The doorbell rings any minute now, and Adam grabs the boys' and heads to brunch. He takes them to a new spot that just opened last week and Miles is taken aback by the beauty of it.

"This is amaze isn't it, Miles?" says Adam. "It is." says Miles. "I've got our spot reserved. It's that special of a place." says Adam. "That's good." says Miles.

The restaurant has lightly soft music playing as they begin to sit down and order brunch. The song playing is The Good Side by Troye Sivan. Miles never had heard of it until today (he ends up liking it a lot). Adam asks, "How have you all been?" Miles says, "My past revisited me, meaning my parents not leaving me alone, and I ended up asking Jamal to block their numbers so they can leave me alone." Adam says, "Good for you. They don't need to be in your life if they cannot accept you." Miles says, "That is the best thing I've heard you say." Adam says, "I've got an offer for you, Miles." Miles says, "Yes?" Adam says, "I've got a friend I would like you to meet for drinks. I'll set it up as a blind date." Miles says, "It's a bit soon but I think it is a good idea." Adam says, "Why too soon?" Miles says, "I've never been with anyone before." Adam says, "You've never been in a relationship?" Miles says, "I've not been in one at all. I've been a bit shy." Adam says, "Well, this a perfect opportunity to get out of your shell and showcase the amazingness that is you. I'll set it up and let you know where it is." Miles says, "Okay, sounds like fun." Adam says, "You'll like him. I just know it. Who knows it could end up being the one!" Miles says, "Let's not get carried away here." Adam says, "Okay, okay; I'll send you the deets and I hope you have fun." Miles says, "I hope so too."

After brunch, Miles thinks this blind date through some; he isn't so sure if he is ready yet but hey it is a friend of Adam's. I think it will go as planned. Ready for anything!- Miles thought.

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