Chapter 14: You're my safety blanket // End of summer plans

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After dinner, James and Miles clean up and converse some more. Miles says, "That was a lovely dinner. The movie was surprisingly good, too. I normally don't care for musicals but I would watch that one again." James says, "I didn't know you didn't like them but hey I'm glad you liked this one. I've got a guest room down the hall if you want to set up in there." Miles says, "I want to be with you." James says, "Okay, drop your stuff in my room. I'll be there in a few."

Miles goes to drop his bag in James' room; he notices the pride flag behind his bed and the room is perfectly tidy. He hears James' voice behind him and Miles asks, "I like the flag." James says, "I got that when I attended my first Pride with my now ex." Miles says, "I'm sorry I asked." James says, "No it's fine. It will become ours now; My ex is a distant memory; I don't talk to him anymore." Miles says, "Good for you. I don't like to see you hurt." James says, "I hated myself after I how I ended things with him. It took me a bit to realize what I wanted in a person. Then Adam set me up on a blind date; I was fearful it was my ex. But I'm thankful it was you. You eased that anxiety I had that night." Miles says, "I'm glad I could. Because we've been together for 5 months. That's a milestone for me considering I've never been in a relationship, like, ever." James says, "I didn't realize it was that long we've been together." Miles says, "It has; you've made me happy, James. I didn't think I would ever meet someone as cool as you." James says, "I'll take the cool compliment." Miles says, "I thought you might appreciate that." James says, "I do, thanks."

Miles heads to take a shower, and James waits for him to finish. He finishes and James notices how lucky he is. He's mine and no one else's. - James thought. They turn in a few hours later, and Miles snuggles up against James. I'm happy if he's happy.- Miles thought.

The next morning at James' apartment outside San Francisco, CA

James awakes before Miles does and he hears him in the shower singing Good Morning Baltimore from Hairspray. Only my James would sing Broadway tunes in the morning- Miles thought. Miles gets up and goes ahead to start the coffee maker and cooks James and him breakfast. James takes notice and asks, "Is my honey cooking?" Miles nods in agreement and James sets the table for them. He brings James his coffee and breakfast first; then Miles follows suit.

"Honey, this is delicious but simple. I like it!" says James. "Thanks. I liked your singing this morning." says Miles. "Didn't I sound wonderful?" says James. "Your shower has great acoustics." says Miles. "Well, thank you." says James.

They eat breakfast and James asks, "What did you want to do for the end of Summer? My mom invited me away to Boston, MA if you want to come. She doesn't mind if you come at all; she practically thinks of you as her son." Miles says, "She does? That's thoughtful. I'll come besides I think Jamal is heading back to visit his parents around that time anyways. His parents didn't mind him coming out as gay." James says, "That's very opposite your former parents. But I'll let my mom and dad know you want to come. They have grown to like you a lot; they love seeing me happy compared to before with my now ex." Miles says, "They didn't like your now ex I take it?" James says, "No they didn't; they sort of influenced the decision for me to end things with him." Miles says, "They did? Good; he didn't make you happy anyways." James says, "He didn't; I'm looking forward to you coming with me and my parents to Boston." Miles says, "I'm looking forward to it, too."

A few months later in late August 2019

Boston Trip Day!

The boys leave early around 6am to head to LAX airport; James' parents meet them there. They leave for Boston around 10am; they all grab coffee at the airport and something perishable to eat. They arrive to Boston and land safely; they rented out an Airbnb for the week they are in Boston. Miles and James have their own space whereas James' parents have there own space. Within arriving, the crew takes a nap in their spaces (the time difference threw them all off). After their nap, they grab lunch at a place nearby the Airbnb. James and Miles hit 7 months of their relationship while they were away in Boston. Miles is very thankful for this opportunity he got to do with the person he loves. A few hours later, they all head to dinner. James' parents notice a glow on James's face when he is around Miles. They can tell he's happier around Miles. Within the week they are there, James asks Miles something important.

"Hey, babe?" says James. "Yes?" says Miles. "Would you want to move in with me?" says James. "I don't think I would mind it at all." says Miles. "Okay, sounds good." says James.

James is ecstatic about Miles' decision moving in with him after 7 months together. I don't know if Miles is too sure about that decision just yet. They leave Boston a few days later and Miles has a lot of thinking to do when he arrives back home to California.

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