Chapter 4- Acceptance Is, Like, A New Piece of Clothing.

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Chapter 4: Acceptance Is, Like, A New Piece of Clothing- You just want to wear it all the time.

The next day (January 11th, 2019)

Brunch in San Francisco, CA

Both Jamal and Miles awake on this morning and see the people Miles got the note from outside Jamal's apartment. They make the coffee, get ready, and take their coffee to-go. Miles notices how flamboyant these males look. He smiles a little on the inside.

"Hi, my name is Adam Welsh; I was the one that sent the note. You new here?" says Adam. "Yes, I am; my parents didn't accept my new lifestyle." says Miles. "That's terrible, honey. Well, we all do; here we also have Travis Percy and Wilson Drew." says Adam. "Nice to meet you both." says both Travis + Wilson. "Likewise." says Miles, shaking both of their hands. "Well, let's head off to brunch I made reservations for this new place that just opened. Well, well, well I don't believe we've been introduced." says Adam. "I am Jamal. Miles' best friend. I took him in when his parents kicked him out." says Jamal. "Lovely to meet you, Jamal." says Adam.

The crew all walks to this fabulous new restaurant with an outdoor seating area for brunch. Adam takes care of getting the reservation set up, and they are seated within the time frame. Everyone orders mimosas and water and they all get to know each other.

"Miles, may I ask you you knew you were gay?" says Adam. "I just knew weirdly. As a kid, I felt different than others and it hit me out of nowhere that this is the person I want to be." says Miles. "If you aren't accepted by those that cannot accept you, then they don't belong anywhere in your life." says Adam. "I like the way you said that." says Miles. "Thank you." says Adam. "Now were your parents religious?" says Travis. "Yes, unfortunately hence why they don't accept me." says Miles. "That's terrible, honey; they didn't dare mention the camp; did they?" says Travis. "Yes, they did." says Miles. "I almost spilled my drink because that was so shocking to hear. I'm glad they didn't otherwise we wouldn't have met you." says Travis. "I will agree on that last part." says Miles.

The crew begins ordering and they wait patiently until the food arrives. Miles is just so happy right now; he never thought in his life he would meet people like him.

"How did you and Jamal become friends, Miles?" says Adam. "We met back in school right around the time Jamal came out of the closet." says Miles. "Yes that's right actually. He was the coolest guy to hang around with; still is as a matter of fact." says Jamal. "That's so sweet." says Adam. "It is." says Jamal.

The food arrives within the hour and everyone enjoys their food and converses. Miles cannot stop smiling today. He was very thankful he took an opportunity like this. After brunch, Miles + Jamal head back to their apartment (they all exchanged numbers prior to brunch so they all can keep in touch).

The next day (January 12th, 2019)

San Francisco, CA

Miles + Jamal's apartment

The doorbell rings and the boys' show up at the front door. All dressed up and looking like that, honey; yes please.- Miles thought.

"How are you, boys? Don't mean the intrusion." says Adam. "Good, yourself?" says Miles. "You look like someone that needs some new clothes." says Adam. "I've got a few crop tops in my wardrobe." says Miles. "Crop tops? Are you trying to be basic? Come on, honey; let's get you something fun." says Adam. "I guess that's a good idea." says Miles. "Yay! Jamal you can come with too." says Adam.

The whole crew heads out to find some new duds for Miles; this process takes a few hours and they find a whole bunch of new clothes. They all head back to the apartment and Miles gives everyone a fashion show with his new clothes. Everyone of them hooting, cheering and hollering at Miles. Smiles are seen all around the room, too. I never thought this life would be so much fun. I feel so good about myself right now.- Miles thought.

After the fashion show ends, the rest of the crew heads back to their apartment complex. Jamal says, "Miles, honey, you look good!" Miles replies, "Yes, I do, honey." Jamal says, "That's the Miles I know." Miles says, "I think meeting them has been so great lately. I've been needing that." Jamal says, "Be thankful for people like them. They may relate to your story, too." Miles says, "I never asked them. One day when the time is right I will." Jamal says, "The time will come for that. I wanted to ask if you wanted to get coffee." Miles says, "Let's head out; I could use even more fresh air."

The boys' head out to their nearby coffee shop and find a spot outside to enjoy their drinks. Miles hasn't stopped smiling all day; I am ready for anything with being around these new people I met. I haven't felt a laugh and a deeper sense of appreciation from anyone like that in my life.- Miles thought.

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