Chapter 7- Somehow, I want it all and I want it now.

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Chapter 7: Somehow, I Want It All and I Want It Now.

The next morning at James' Apartment


Miles awakes in a different scenery today and sees James has already awaken before him. He smells the aroma of the coffee brewing, and James is cooking. What?! He can cook? Yes, honey!- Miles thought.

"Good morning, sleepyhead. I hope I didn't wake you up." says James. "You didn't at all. Something smells good..." says Miles. "I'm making us some waffles from a recipe I found online." says James. "I think I am beginning to like you." says Miles. "Me too, Miles." says James. "I didn't think my life would get to where it is today." says Miles. "Life gave you a different outlook and it is a good one." says James. "I'll agree on that one." says Miles. "Well, breakfast is ready. Let's sit in the living room and watch some Drag Race." says James. "You're a Drag Race fan too?" says Miles. "Who isn't?" says James. "I think this is beginning of something good." says Miles. "I'll agree on that." says James, sealing that deal with a smooch to Miles' lips.

They watch Drag Race and just enjoy each other's company; Miles hears his phone buzz and it's a text from Adam. It reads: Last night fun? I want all the details. Meet me and the boys and your buddy Jamal for lunch. Miles replies back with: Yes, it was; he's gorgeous; yes, you were right setting me up on this blind date. I'll tell you all at lunch. See you soon.

"Hey, James?" says Miles. "Yes?" says James. "Do you mind dropping me off back at my apartment? Adam invited the whole crew for lunch; gotta have enough time to get ready." says Miles. "Yeah, sure." says James.

Miles changes back into his clothes and James is happily nice enough to walk him back to his apartment. The doorbell rings and Jamal is at door and so is Adam. He must've stayed the night.- Miles thought.

"Well, hello you lovebirds." says Adam. "Oh, Adam, stop!" says Miles. "James, you can come in." says Adam. "Okay." says James. "How was Miles?" says Adam. "He's really sweet. Such fun." says James. "Well, I best be off; see you all for lunch at 1pm; James, you can come too." says Adam. "Thanks." says James. "No problem." says Adam, walking towards the front door and heading back to his apartment.

Miles gives James a brief tour of the apartment he shares with Jamal. Jamal says, "Hi, I'm Miles's friend; he wasn't too much trouble was he?" James says, "No, he wasn't much trouble; he's sweet." Jamal says, "That's good; well, make yourself at home; we'll be getting ready." James says, "Thanks."

Jamal says, "No problem."

James waits by counter for Jamal & Miles; around 12:30, they head off to lunch with Adam's crew and the place is something else. They all meet with Adam, Travis, & Wilson and find a reserved spot and get to getting drinks.

"So, Miles? I heard you had a date. How was that?" says Travis. "It was fun. James is sweet & fun. Adam set it all up and couldn't be happier. Before the date, I was super nervous because, surprise, I've never been in a relationship, like ever." says Miles. "That's surprising!" says Travis. "It is. I just never felt comfortable dating because of me hiding myself." says Miles. "So, when you weren't gay yet, did you ever have feelings for girls'?" says Adam. "No, not really. They did, but I didn't; I knew I was different then." says Miles. "I didn't know all of that." says James. "Yeah, I just wanted to wait until the right person came along and that I was happy being myself for once; I was tired of hiding." says Miles. "Well, honey, you don't have to hide for us anymore. To Miles and a wonderful new beginning." says Adam, leading everyone in a toast.

They all order their food, and continue conversing; Adam asks, "So, is James a good cook?" Miles says with a laugh, "Yes he is. He made waffles and they were yummy just like him." Adam says, "Wow, this a new side of Miles I've never seen. I like him a lot." James says, "I think I do, too." He leans over to Miles and gives him a kiss. The whole crew gasps and shocks and hollers and smiles. After the food arrives, everyone heads out for the remainder of the afternoon and browses in some shops. Miles hasn't let go of James' hand since they left the restaurant; neither one can stop smiling at each other; Adam takes a peek and smiles back, too.

After shopping, James walks ahead back to his apartment and gives Miles a goodbye kiss before heading back. Miles knows that this isn't the last time he'll see James.

"You haven't stopped smiling since we got back." says Jamal. "I'm happy; I've not felt this way in a long time. It feels good to have that." says Miles. "Well, I'm happy if you are." says Jamal, leaning into his friend for a hug.

Miles' phone buzzes in his pocket and an unfamiliar number pops up; it's his parents new number; apparently Miles learned that they have moved to a smaller place outside San Francisco. Miles has Jamal block the numbers yet again; I'm in a good place right now; quit bothering me you people from my past.- Miles thought.

"You ready to order in tonight?" says Jamal. "When am I ever?" says Miles. "Okay, but before dinner, walk to grab some coffee?" says Jamal. "Sure." says Miles.

Miles hears his phone again, and it's James; his face lights up and notices a text from James: I had a nice time with your people today. You have been making me smile so much my face hurts. Can we grab coffee sometime? Miles replies back with: I did too; yes, we can; anytime. Miles walks with Jamal to the nearby coffee shop and they take their drinks to go and walk back to their apartment. A few hours later, they randomly remembered they needed some groceries so they go and grab them. Now back at the apartment, Miles noticed a strange note on the door. It better not be who I think it is. These people are dead to me. What part of being out of my new life do these people not understand?- Miles. 

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