Chapter 8

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A new chapter for you all to read. It's a little lengthy but hey cheers for long chapters whoo hoo! 

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Chapter 8: Parents' Just Don't Understand. At All. // Something's brewing (in a good way)...

"Hi, Miles." says Gloria. "What in the hell are you doing here?" says Miles. "We miss you, Miles." says Gloria. "Maybe the boys like him here, honey." says Jamie. "Why do care so much? I don't want you around. If I remember correctly, I remember mom telling me that being gay was a sin." says Miles. "It is." says Gloria. "Then why are you still running and coming back to me? I'm not the little boy you had pictured in your life, mom. I'm becoming the person I want to be. I even went out for a date. I'm happier than I've ever been. Without you two here, I've been more myself." says Miles. "I'm sorry we came. We moved; if you care." says Gloria. "Goodbye, you two." says Miles.

His parents leave the premises and Miles begins crying hysterically. Jamal goes over to console him and he leans into Jamal and continues crying. I just don't get it with them anymore. I am becoming me. The person I've always wanted to be. Why do they think it is okay to come back and run anytime they feel like it? I feel happy and the fact I met someone just like me makes my world feel more whole and complete. Goodbye, parents; until we meet again.- Miles thought.

"I'm so sorry, man." says Jamal. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I just wish they would leave me alone." says Miles.

Jamal goes ahead to order takeout for dinner but by this point, he sees his best friend so sad that takeout has become the last thing on his mind. He gives Miles his space and Jamal begins making some spaghetti for the both of them plus some salad. He thought it would be nice to have a home-cooked meal instead.

"You alright?" says Jamal. "I'm fine; don't worry about me. I just have been feeling so good lately." says Miles. "You've been way more happier. You got set up on a blind date with a friend of Adam's and you cannot stop thinking about him. Plus I'm happy to see you happy." says Jamal. "Thanks, that means a lot coming from you." says Miles. "No problem." says Jamal.

Jamal sets up dinner at the dining table and he happily asks Miles to join him to eat. Miles is taken aback by this meal. He smiles at Jamal, and mouths Thank you. They both begin to eat and converse over this day

"What made you want to cook tonight?" says Miles. "We always get takeout and I thought it would be a nice change. Besides before I left home, this was the meal I taught myself to cook. My family liked it per usual." says Jamal. "That was awful nice of them to like it. I didn't really like to cook much anyways. By the way, this is delicious." says Miles. "Thanks." says Jamal.

They finish their meal, clean up, and refresh themselves for the night. Jamal thought it would be fun to do a charcoal face mask while they watch some Netflix. Miles doesn't mind one bit; they do their mask as they watch their shows for a few and turn in later.

A week later...

Local coffee shop / park to chill out at

James & Miles' day date

Miles meets with James at the coffee shop for a caffeinated fix and some delicious baked goods. They find a spot in the back of the cafe and begin talking.

"How are you, babe?" says James. "I'm good for right now." says Miles. "What happened? Parents again?" says James. "How did you know?" says Miles. "Just my gut instinct. I wish they would leave your life. You've got me, Jamal, Adam, Travis, and Wilson. You've found your people now." says James. "I have, haven't I?" says Miles. "Yes, you have." says James. "Well, how have you been?" says Miles. "I've been good. I checked in with my parents and I told them about you." says James. "Oh, boy." says Miles. "They want to meet you and I told them how nice you've been." says James. "Okay, when would you like me to meet them?" says Miles. "In a couple weeks. I want to go out with you more, Miles. I like you a lot." says James. "I do too, James." says Miles. "Hey, I know a park nearby where we can just take it easy. Wanna go?" says James. "I'll go anywhere with you." says Miles.

James and Miles head to the park and it happens to overlook Golden Gate bridge. This couldn't have been more of a perfect scene with the perfect person; James and Miles lean in to kiss.

"This has been such a nice day." says Miles. "It has been hasn't it?" says James. "Yes it has." says Miles. "I didn't think I'd ever meet my special someone." says James. "You didn't think so?" says Miles. "Nope." says James. "How come?" says Miles. "I was fortunate to have parents that was accepting of me being gay and being okay with it. I know your parents weren't as accepting but the last relationship I was in wasn't great. He wasn't nice to me." says James. "I'm sorry to hear he wasn't nice; glad you have accepting parents; I'll fill in that nice part for you." says Miles. "Thanks." says James.

Both boys' take in the scenery for a few more minutes and walk on back. James drops Miles off at Jamal's apartment and James heads back. But James has something to say to Miles before leaving and he mouths I love you. Miles mouths back I love you too.

"Hey, how was your day?" says Jamal. "Such a good day. But he also wants me to meet his parents in a couple of weeks." says Miles. "Doesn't it seem too soon?" says Jamal. "That's what I am thinking too. But he also mouthed I love you to me." says Miles. "I guess he loves you, Miles." says Jamal. "I guess he does. I've never felt this way about a person." says Miles. "I know it's a lot to take in. But I'm happy you found someone like James." says Jamal. "I'm happy Adam set this blind date up. I cannot stop thinking about him, man. I just can't imagine my life without him in it." says Miles. "I guess you know now how you really feel." says Jamal. "I guess you do." says Miles.

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