Chapter 11: What Happens...Happens... // Coming Home.

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Another chapter for you all; if you are someone that is having a hard time finding themselves, know you are not alone. You will eventually find that way; It does take time; plus it's fun to be yourself. Be different; the world needs more different sometimes.

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Chapter 11: What Happens...Happens... // Coming Home

The next morning...

Las Vegas, NV

James awakes to Miles laying right beside him; he goes over to give him a kiss. This morning is just got even better for them.

"What did you want to do today?" says James. "I don't know. I'm pretty comfortable at the moment." says Miles. "Well, I did set up something fun for this afternoon." says James. "You did? What would that be?" says Miles. "I got us a private cooking lesson. You know I love to cook." says James. "That sounds like fun." says Miles. "We need to be there around 3pm. So, we'll head down and get breakfast first?" says James. "Yes, we shall." says Miles, leaning over to kiss James. "You not so bad with your kiss this morning." says James. "I've had practice from an expert." says Miles. "You have, haven't you?" says James. "Yes, I have." says Miles.

They get on proper clothes and head down to get some breakfast and coffee. Both of them head back up and get on some nicer clothes for the cooking lesson later. Around 2pm, they have a car pick them up to take them to the destination. It's a lovely place to be isn't it?- Miles thought. They walk in, and everything is set up for the lesson. They are learning to make Cornish game hens, sweet potato fries and roasted veggies. Miles cannot wait to do this with the one he loves. The lesson lasts a couple of hours, and they head back to the hotel. Miles hears his phone ring and it's Adam. He picks the phone up and asks, "How's your time with James?" Miles says, "Good. He took me to Vegas for the week and we had a private cooking lesson." Adam says, "Sounds like you two are getting along. You met his parents?" Miles says, "I happen to have met them a month ago. Such nice people." Adam says, "Okay, well I won't intrude on your fun. We'll talk soon. Bye!" Miles ends the call, and James asks, "Who was that?" Miles says, "Adam. Just asking how my time is with you. I've not been having a bad time with you at all actually." James says, "My last relationship I was in, the person would've not said that." Miles says, "I must be something special then." James says, "Let's forget dinner and order in; I love you, Miles." Miles says, "I love you, too." James says, "I've never met anyone like you. Come here, babe." James draws the blinds, and begins kissing Miles passionately.

After they give into their passions, they go ahead and order room service for dinner tonight. Miles says, "You, honey, aren't so bad." James says, "I'll say the same for you." Miles says, "You mentioned about a past relationship earlier? I don't mean to ask about it. I apologize if I'm being inappropriate." James says, "It's fine. Besides what we were doing wasn't exactly clean; anyways, he was someone that knew Adam. It was his ex before it became mine. We hit it off perfectly; I thought we were going to be forever. Then one day, he gave me an ultimatum: marry me." Miles says, "Did you want to marry him?" James says, "No, I didn't want to. I ended up ending that relationship before he even had a chance to say what he wanted to say." Miles says, "Not that I should ask, but are you a commitment phobe?" James says, "Yes, that's why when I met you I was afraid of falling way too head over heels for you. But you I'm just so taken in by; I had never such joy being around your presence. You, Miles, are someone I love."

Miles says, "I'm glad you love me. Because I love you, too, James." James says, "I'm glad you do." Miles says, "Besides there is no other person like you. I didn't think I'd ever meet someone and enjoy their presence." James says, "Before you identified as gay, did you ever date or try to kiss a girl?" Miles says, "My former parents, when I was 12, set me up on a date with a girl from school. I wasn't interested in her as she was in me. She kissed me when we were on our 'date'. I couldn't feel any sparks like she did even if I had to force myself to actually enjoy kissing her. Cause I didn't enjoy kissing her at all. All I pictured were boys; even I would smile at them at school; they look at me strangely. I could tell then and there I was different." James says, "How long did you know you were gay?" Miles says, " I think when I hit puberty around 15; late bloomer I know. But to tell my parents was a whole another story. I knew deep down I was committing a sin. Would my parents believe me? Would I get kicked out? So many questions but yet not a lot of answers." James says, "Sorry to hear that when was the age you finally told them?" Miles says, "When I was 25 at the beginning of this year; I turned 25 back in October of 2018." James says, "It took you a decade to realize you didn't want to be around girls. I appreciate the fact you took your time to figure it out. Not rush it so much." Miles says, "I wanted to wait until I felt ready. I knew they, my former parents, wouldn't have accepted it when I realized I was that at 15. They would've thought I was nuts. But I'm glad you understand, babe." James says, "I understand cause I care about you. I hated the fact you had to hide your persona for that long. But you've blossomed into a handsome man. Nobody can take away your happiness. Nobody can tell you what you want to be. You can be whoever you want. I am happy you can be yourself."

Miles is very happy to hear that statement from James. He just took a little longer to finally realize what kind of person he wanted to become. A few days later, the boys check out of the hotel and head back home to San Francisco, CA. Miles gets dropped off at Jamal's place; James walks ahead back to his apartment. Jamal has dinner set up for him and Miles. Miles appreciates coming back to this; he sets his bags in his room and sits down to tell Jamal about his trip. He leaves a few scandalous details out, but otherwise he left the best parts in. Jamal happily offers to clean up dinner while Miles unpacks his bags in his room. Miles phone buzzes and its a text from James and it reads: "Had a nice time with you. Can't wait to spend more special moments with you. LOVE YOU!" Miles smiles after he sees that text and finally puts his bags all away. He couldn't be any more happier right now.

Chosen: A Story About Feeling Accepted + Loved By Allحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن