Chapter 1: You Don't Love Me Like This Do You?

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This story is in dedication of those still trying to find their own path in life. To those that want their voices heard. To those that want acceptance and freedom from what was holding them back. This story is for you reader.

Chapter 1: You Don't Love Me Like This Do You?

San Francisco, California

January 2nd, 2019

Miles awakes this morning to see the sun is shining; he overhears his mom, Gloria, making breakfast. He has no clue what to tell his mom about him being gay. In their household, it isn't a normal thing that they discuss.

"Morning, momma." says Miles. "Morning, honey. Hungry?" says Gloria. "I have to ask you something. And I need to get it out of me sooner than later." says Miles. "What could it possibly be?" says Gloria. "Mom, I am gay. I'm not joking. I'm serious." says Miles. "You know this is something we don't accept in this house. What would your father think?" says Gloria. "He wouldn't take it seriously. I don't know. Anything I say he never believes anyways. It's like talking to a brick wall." says Miles. "I know he can get uncomfortable to talk to sometimes. Believe me I was the one that married him." says Gloria. "You never fail to make me laugh." says Miles. "But in all seriousness, you can't stay here. We won't accept this new lifestyle of yours at all. How long have you known this about yourself?" says Gloria. "It started when I was a kid. I fantasized more about boys than girls. I thought it was just a phase but it wasn't it was the time I felt called to something." says Miles. "I wished it was a phase. You need to find a place as of tomorrow. Do your buddies Jamal or Mark got somewhere to live than you can go to?" says Gloria. "I can talk to them. I will start packing tonight." says Miles. "It's not that we don't love you or anything but the Bible says: man shall not lie with man. It's something I've always stuck to since I was around your age." says Gloria.

Miles goes ahead to get his breakfast from his mom plus a mug of coffee, too. I wish they would understand that this is me now.- Miles thought. He eats, and sends a note to Jamal and Mark; they respond fairly quickly.

Jamal: "Your mom found out didn't she?"

Mark: "You are always welcome at my place."

Miles: "Unfortunately she did. And thanks Mark for the invite. I've got to leave by tomorrow."

Jamal: "Your mom did the whole bible thing on you? Did you tell your Dad yet?"

Miles: "Yeah, she told me; no my dad won't take it seriously he'll think it's a joke and I'll grow out of it."

Jamal: "That is something, man. Well I've got a spot at my place, too."

Miles: "Thanks to both of you guys. I'll make up my mind while I pack. I guess it's time to leave this dump behind."

Miles packs and turns on the TV in his room; he happened to record a comforting show he loves: RuPaul's Drag Race. He watches it while he packs up. He hears his phone buzz and it's Mark.

Mark: "How's everything?"

Miles: "It's not easy right now man. But I appreciate you checking in on me. Thanks."

Mark: "You're welcome. Love you, friend."

Miles: "Thanks. It'll be a tough road but I will get out of this alive."

Mark: "You have always had that wisdom I wished I had."

Miles: "I appreciate that coming from you."

Mark: "You're welcome. I'll let you finish packing."

Miles finished up as soon as he finished texting Mark; he found some old boxes in his closet for his clothes + beauty products. A few hours later, Miles sits down with his family for one last meal together. His dad, Jamie, asks: "How are you, bud?" Miles replies, "Not good, Dad; hey, I'm gay. How do you feel about it?" Jamie says: "You are not serious are you?" Miles replies back, "Yes I am serious. Not a phase like you make it out to be." Jamie says: "Your mother knows?" Miles says, "Yes she does. She is kicking me out." Jamie says, "Good for your mother. We are not people that support that lifestyle." Miles says, "I don't even know what to say you anymore. It's like none of you hear me at all." Gloria says, "Honey we do but it's something we'll never accept." Jamie says, "I agree with your mother." Miles says, "It sucked it had to come down to it." Gloria says, "You are all packed? Made your mind up?" Miles says, "Yes, everything is by the door; I'm going with Jamal. I texted him while I packed. In fact, he's picking me up in 30 minutes. I'm sure you will be happy that I am gone." Gloria says, "Honey don't say something like that." Miles says, "No I am going to. Since you'll never accept me, it feels right to say it." Gloria says, "Whatever you choose to do in your new lifestyle, I hope you find some peace and comfort from it. And that you will laugh and enjoy yourself." Miles says, "That is a lot coming from you. Thank you. Let's eat one last time."

They begin eating, and afterwards clean-up begins; the doorbell is rung and Jamal is ready for Miles. Miles gives hugs to his parents and grabs all of his things to take to Jamal's. After saying goodbye, Miles sits with Jamal and heads back to Jamal's apartment in the city.

"Hey, how did everything go?" says Jamal. "It's hurting a bit. But I know it feels right; what I am doing." says Miles. "You will love the city views for days; plus everything is walking distance to coffee shops and everything else in between." says Jamal. "Thank you for rescuing me." says Miles. "You're welcome. Your new life is just starting. I think you will grow to like it." says Jamal. "I sure hope so. I can't change anything about it. It's better to leave things in the past. Moving forward is the right thing to do." says Miles.

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