Chapter 6: Wait are all boys supposed to be this cute?!

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Another chapter for your eyes. Hope you enjoy this one (this was fun to write).

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A month and two days later (2.14.2019)

A bar nearby the boys' apartment

Adam drops by before Miles heads out for his blind date. He says, "You nervous?" Miles says, "A little but I'll be fine." Adam says, "You'll like him. He has no idea about you but I think he'll like you too." Miles says, "I hope so." Adam says, "Run along now. I just sent the deets to your date. He'll be by the bar dressed up." Miles says, "I'll be going. See you soon." Jamal says, "Have fun, man." Adam says, "What Jamal said, have fun!"

Miles walks to the bar and Adam didn't hold back about this boy. He is wearing black dress pants, cuffed at the bottom, brown locks he cannot wait to run his hands through, and beautiful blue eyes he can get himself lost in. Miles walks over to the bar, and sees this boy.

"Hi, I am James, Adam's friend." says James. "Gosh, you're beautiful; sorry too soon?" says Miles. "No no isn't too soon. You're handsome yourself." says James. "Sorry I have not done this before." says Miles. "A blind date?" says James. "Yes that." says Miles, nervously. "Well, since this is all new to you I won't make you too uncomfortable." says James. "I appreciate that." says Miles. "A drink you fancy?" says James. "Surprise me." says Miles. "A man with a wild side. I like you already." says James.

They converse over drinks and seem to be hitting it off wonderfully. This date is going so well! Thanks, Adam!- Miles thought. Miles' phone buzzes and it's Adam and it reads: Date going well? He replies back: Yes! He puts his phone away and they order a light appetizer. It arrives, and James asks, "Were you always this way?" Miles says, "No I wasn't my parents never accepted me as gay. They were religious; they bothered me even when I left their home to move in with a friend of mine. I also had that friend of mine, Jamal, block their numbers permanently. I've always felt this way ever since I was a kid." James says, "I'm sorry your parents couldn't accept this amazing person." Miles says, "I'm sorry that they couldn't either. Besides my life has been better since then." James says, "I'm glad it has. Well, are you ready to go?" Miles says, "Yes."

Miles walks back with James to his apartment and James says, "I had a nice time tonight." Miles says, "I did too." James says, "Kiss goodnight?" Miles nods in agreement; he leans into James and begins passionately kissing him; Miles has never felt this way before; a song begins playing in the apartment upstairs and it's Then He Kissed Me by the Crystals. How fitting.- Miles thought. James says, "You're not so bad. Come in for a nightcap?" Miles nods in agreement and he stays for a few and James offers, "You wouldn't mind staying the night would you? I'd walk you back in the morning." Miles says, "No I wouldn't mind." James says, "I've got clothes for you; we both are practically the same size." Miles says, "I appreciate that." Miles phone buzzes and it's Adam and he says: Did he ask you to come back to his apartment and did you get smooched up? Miles replies back: Yes and yes. Adam says: Damn, honey; you have fun. I'll text you tomorrow morning.

I've never felt like this before. I feel like I've blossomed. No turning back. This is the new me and you better damn well get used to it.- Miles thought. 

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