Chapter 13: Time to Get Some Things Out of My System

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Chapter 13: Time to Get Some Things Out of My System

Miles was having second thoughts about what his mom said to him over the phone. She noticed I was happy. When did I ever think my mom would notice? I was just as surprised.- Miles thought. He asks Jamal, "How would it be if I went to visit my mom?" Jamal asks, "I don't know how it would go since she didn't accept you for being yourself." Miles says, "I'll send her a note to see if it is okay. This is going to be a solo trip."

Miles sends a text to his former mom to see if it is okay to come by and visit for a couple of days. She responds quickly, and she says I wouldn't mind seeing you. Just you come back up and visit. No one but you. Miles has that guilt feeling inside of him, but he knows this is going to be just him, not James not anyone else, just him.

"So, she says she wouldn't mind meeting me. I'm going away for a couple of days." says Miles. "Okay, you leaving tonight?" says Jamal. "I think I will. Let me pack a bag. I'll text James and let him know this is a personal trip." says Miles. "Okay." says Jamal.

Miles gives James a call and tells him what's going on. James completely understands and know that he has to go solo. Besides how would my mom react if she saw me with another boy? She already didn't like the idea of me being gay.- Miles thought. He heads out within a half an hour, and decides to go ahead and drives to his former mom's house. She texted him the new address, and surprisingly, Gloria doesn't live far.

Miles pulls in the driveway, and notices just one car there; Guess my former dad did really leave my former mom for good. I don't understand what she saw in him.- Miles thought. Gloria walks out to greet her son and she says, "Honey, I'm sorry." Miles looks at her in a confused way and says, "Mom, you have nothing to be sorry for. It's my not fault I wanted to become myself." Gloria says, "I understand you were trying to tell me, and your father, for so long. I wish I could understand what kind of person you've decided to become. But I feel it's a sin when I say I want to accept you for you. I just cannot accept your new lifestyle but your my son, my only son and I have to say what I feel." Miles says back, "I understand Mom; It was just tough for me to accept that I was becoming something I didn't even know if you would like. And I learned that you didn't like it; at all." Gloria says back, "I would pray and pray to have a normal son. But I guess my prayers didn't come true at all. I just wanted something 'normal' for a family. But then your dad left, and you identify as gay now. I just feel so alone."

Miles leans in to give his mom a hug. She wraps his arm around her son and just continues to cry. He lets her just cry; he can feel her pain and frustration. Gloria says, "Thank you, honey; I'm so sorry I cried. I just needed to." Miles says, "How did you think I felt having to hide my own sexuality for over a decade? I felt like you, Mom. I did." Gloria says, "I'm sorry you felt that way, honey. I truly am sorry." Miles says, "Thanks for understanding some." Gloria says, "You're welcome." Miles says, "You don't mind if I stay a couple of days, do you?" Gloria says, "Honey, as much I would like to say yes, I can't. I still cannot accept you." Miles says, "Well, I understand; I'll head on back then."

Miles walks back to the car, and pulls out of the driveway. He calls James on his bluetooth in his car and just starts talking to him. He begins with, "Babe?" James says, "Yes?" He says, "My own mother wouldn't even let me stay there." James says, "She still hasn't accepted you even after your dad left?" Miles says, "She's not been herself since I came out and my dad left." James says, "Was she frustrated?" Miles says, "Yes, sad too." James says, "That's awful, babe. Well, come drop by my place. I'll get you reassured in an instant." Miles says, "I'll see you in a few. Gosh I miss your voice and I just love you." James says, "I love you too. See you soon."

Miles ends the call, and makes a pit stop to get coffee for him and James. He pulls in a few minutes later to James' place and rings the doorbell and gives him a kiss and a hug. Miles really needed this right now.

"I'm sorry for intruding." says Miles. "No, honey, it's fine. It's just sad your mom won't ever come around to accept you." says James. "It is, isn't it?" says Miles. "But you are always welcome here. You've got me." says James. "Thanks. I got us coffees." says Miles. "You always know what makes me happy, well besides you of course." says James.

Miles grabs his overnight bag he had planned to take in to his former mom's house. He decided to let Jamal what was going on and he could understand. Miles stays for a few nights' at James's place.

"Hey, babe; I cooked dinner; you hungry?" says James. "What did you make?" says Miles. "I made the meal we had when we were in Vegas. I got all of the stuff." says James. "You're so thoughtful; love you!" says Miles. "You too; want to watch a movie?" says James. "Sure, I'll watch whatever you want to watch." says Miles. "I know just the thing. Give me a sec." says James.

James goes to stream a movie he hasn't seen in a while and it happens to be Rent. This movie to James was something that comforted him when he first came out. James sets up TV trays and has Miles sit next to him while they watch Rent. Halfway through the movie, a song that catches Miles' ears is I'll Cover You. The lyrics really resonate with James & Miles' relationship; they both smile at each other as the tune plays; Miles is thankful for James everyday. At least I've got someone to cover me, love me, and to make me happy forever and always.- Miles thought.

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