Chapter 18: The Arcade Brawl & Daniel-san

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After a series of flashbacks from Karate Kid Part II, where Daniel fought Chozen Toguchi to the death, which Daniel won, but, of course, spared the life of Chozen. Back in the present, Chozen appears at the bar which terrifies Daniel. He has an awkward meeting with his former nemesis and tries to escape by getting a drink but, Chozen aggressively offers to get it for him. Kumiko reveals she called Chozen, putting the fight to the death as a thing in the past and assures Chozen is a changed man. Kumiko leaves and asks Chozen to give Daniel a tour around the new Okinawa. 

At the Miyagi-Do dojo in California...

You and Sam were leading as Robby, Chris, Demetri, and Coco are training. Robby wipes the sweat off his face and subsequently reveals his abs. Coco looks at him and blushes again while Demetri helps Chris up after attacking him.

Demetri: "Sorry, man." He apologizes.

Chris: "No worries. Nice kick."

Y/N: "Again!" The two look at you with confused looks. "We are at a severe disadvantage against Cobra Kai. We must be ready to fight."

Demetri and Chris prepare to spar again but, Amanda LaRusso walks through the backdoors in an orange yoga outfit.

Amanda LaRusso: "What are you guys doing?"

You and Sam look at her mom in surprise.

Demetri: "Would you believe study group?" He lies.

Amanda LaRusso: "Go home. All of you." She says to everyone except Sam.

Everyone listens and starts heading off.

Amanda LaRusso: "Not you, Y/N. I need to talk to you too."

Y/N: 'Crap.' You turn around and give her a sheepish smile before losing it. Amanda looks at both of you with a baffled gaze before speaking.

Amanda LaRusso: "What part of no more karate did you not understand?" She asks you two, but mostly Sam.

Samantha LaRusso: "The part where you and Dad think you can get to decide that for me." She replies defiantly.

Amanda LaRusso: "What about school? Principal Lopez called me. You think you can ignore their rules too?"

Y/N: "But Mrs. LaRusso, Counsellor Blatt didn't even hear our side of the story. We weren't even given a chance to... defend ourselves."

Samantha LaRusso: "Exactly. The soccer game was nothing." She claims.

Amanda LaRusso: "It's not 'nothing', Sam. You could have gotten suspended again." She steps closer to Sam. "Sam, I don't know what's going on with you--"

Samantha LaRusso: "No. You don't." She interrupts. "And if you really think karate is the problem, then you have not been paying attention." She walks off, leaving you and Mrs. LaRusso behind.

In Japan, Chozen goes with Daniel to the original Miyagi-Do dojo where Daniel finds a scroll containing the Miyagi-Do secret that Chozen inherited from the late Sato (his uncle and Mr. Miyagi's best friend). Chozen reveals Mr. Miyagi did not teach Daniel everything he knew, much to Daniel's surprise. 

Back in California...

At Golf N' Stuff, Hawk and his Cobra Kai friends stroll through the arcade where Hawk blocks a boy from shooting a basketball at a basketball hoop in a basketball machine, steals tickets from a girl playing skee ball, and then runs to the prize counter where Chris works at and requests a prize. 

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