Chapter 12 (Edited)

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Chapter 12

Marnie walked back out to his living room and sat down, Marianne had retired to one of the guest bedrooms and Nick was finishing up putting the highchair together ready for the morning. His place was very homey, there were bookshelves lining the walls full of fantasy, history and other subjects of interest. An impressive computer occupied a corner surrounded by gaming paraphernalia. It seemed to Marnie that it was his safe haven away from the pressures of his public life. It was quiet now, and her mind had space to wonder. If the change in his behaviour was the beginning of him ageing up what that would mean for the way she treated him, should she sleep on the couch? But what if he woke up in little space and thought she had left him. Her mind preoccupied with worries she didn't hear or see Nick come into the room, sit next to her and place a cup of tea in front of her.

He watched her for a while until she became aware of his presence, "are you ok? That was a difficult drive" he waited while she seemed to struggle with something. She looked at her tea then spoke to the room not looking at him "I think he had a moment tonight where he was not 3, he looked confused, and regarded me as if I was a stranger" pausing for a moment she continued softly "He let me change him but whilst I was powdering his prince part's he had an erection, that hasn't happened before. He also remained silent throughout the entire process dressing him and putting him to bed. The bubbly happy little boy was absent" in one respect this was a great thing for Nick to hear but he could see Marnie was struggling to know how to manage the two parts of his brother. It was also concerning that he didn't recognise her.

She turned and watched his brother think and tick over her comments, he rubbed the back of his neck then suggested, "I think ill see if we can get you and Henry in to see a specialist in this area tomorrow or as soon as possible. There has to be a reason why he didn't seem to recognise you." Relief flooded her system at these words, a process, understanding and steps to the other side are what she needed. She knew how to look after the little side of himself, but the adult, who must of if his reactions were anything to go by been abused by the previous girlfriend/mummy. She had no idea how to react and look after that side of Henry. Taking a sip of the tea she felt it warm her from the inside out, softly she voiced her most pressing question "should I sleep out here if he is not in his toddler mindset?" Nick smiled softly at her an appreciation for her sensitivity growing. "I think if he is asleep do what you have been doing. But keep to your side of the bed, if he wakes in toddler mindset it will be important your there. If he doesn't then at least there will be space between you. I mean it is a king-size bed, that's plenty of room"

Her next move determined she finished her tea, stood and gazed thankfully at Nick "Thank you, thank you for listening and for being a good brother. I'll see you in the morning." He smiled back and said "No worries Good night" with that she left him and walked down the hall to his room. She could hear his gentle snoring and deep rhythmic breaths. Grateful he was in a deep sleep she quickly changed and slipped into the other side of the bed. Closing her eyes she willed herself to relax, and whatever she found in the morning she would deal with in her calm mothering fashion.

Sometime in the middle of the night, Henry had shifts closer and around 3 in the morning Marnie was engulfed in his large arms. She waited for him to say something but instead, he just reclaimed his previous place of comfort nuzzled into her side. At this, she relaxed, even if he was in a childlike state this position of being wrapped up in his arms felt safe to Marnie. She had to be strong for most of her younger years and most men she met found it intimidating. So she just kept them at a distance, but this feeling of safety it was becoming familiar, real, dangerous.

Henry was excited, he was home. Before he had even opened his eyes, he knew he was home. The familiar feel of his sheets, the familiar if not stale faint smell of Kal mixed with the now familiar smell of his Ma next to him. He felt giddy, not wanting to stay in bed but desperately wanting to see his bestest friend Kal. Sneaking out of bed not wanting to wake Ma he waddled out into the living room. Once he realised Kal was not in his bed he looked around then down, "when did I change out of my superman suit?" he asked allowed to no one in particular. Frowning he also wondered when they arrived. He remembered falling asleep after playing car cricket but nothing after that. His tummy grumbled causing him to forget Kal, instead, he waddled into the kitchen.

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