Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

The feeling of fingers pulling through her hair and the light touches on her skin filled her chest with elation. Giggles filled the room as the leader of the group said, "Open your eyes now princess Marnie, you are ready for your morning tea." She opened her eyes and saw the creation the girls had come up with. Her hair was in pigtails down each side of her face with stray curls framing her forehead. Apart from too much colour they had done a great job of putting makeup on her face, the purple was a tad too much and the bright pink cheeks had her almost giggling off the seat. "Well, my wonderful ladies in waiting will you join me for tea?"

There in the middle of the room was Grandma Marianne's antique china doll tea set the girls sitting as gracefully as they could being cross-legged on the floor. Chatter filled her ears and a lightness filled her heart.

The morning had not started that light, waking with Henry wrapped around her had been a wonderful feeling and one she still did not take for granted. It had been that thought that had started the tirade of worry. He would need to head back to work soon, he had new projects set for the new year and that meant, travel. How would she fit into the hectic lifestyle of an A list actor? So far, no paparazzi or stalker fans had found out about them, in fact, there had been no fallout from the deal with Beth. But she knew that it would not belong, and faced with the opinions of his fans she worried he would no longer want to be with her. A deep sleepy voice intruded into her thoughts. "What has you so worried this time of the morning Princess?" Turning around in his arms she snuggled into his chest.

She breathed for a few moments before giving air to her concerns. Trembling slightly, her wobbly voice gave away how worried she was, "Hen, this dream, this whirlwind, will be over soon. You have to go back to work, and I will be back in my little cottage. I guess I don't want this to end."

His arms had squeezed her tight, his large warm hands rubbing circles on her back as he hummed, "mmm who says it has to go back to what it was? You're my girlfriend now, I want you to travel with me if you can." She smiled at the word girlfriend, he didn't use it often as he preferred princess, so when he did say it, the sensations it elicited in her felt strange.

"What if I can't go with you, what if Judy and Joshie need me?"

He kissed her hair lightly before saying in a small voice, "are you worried about what might happen when I am away?"

Slight jealousy kicked up as she thought about all the hands that would be on his body, especially in the intimate scenes he would perform. However, she knew if he truly loved her he would be faithful. "No Hen, I trust you, I guess the last time I was at work with you it was as your carer. Things have changed, our relationships has changed, and I am not sure how to traverse this. I know I will miss you terribly."

He pulled her face up to his and looked her in the eyes. His baby blues with the small patch of brown seemed to be swimming with emotion. "Marnie I will do whatever it takes to make sure you are always welcome on set, that you will always be a part of my plans and that you know without a shadow of a doubt that I love you." With that, he leaned in kissing her firmly as if the seal his pledge.

His declaration had lightened her spirit which had stayed with her until after breakfast when he let her know he had to go out with Charlie. Not knowing what to do she had been surprised when the Cavill nieces had come seeking her out to play with them. Deep laughter pulled her out of her musing, as she looked up Henry stood leaning against the door frame a genuine smile on his face. "Well my ladies in waiting, it seems you have done a good job of entertaining my princess. I have a special outfit I would like my princess to wear, do you think you can help her get changed and then bring her to the grand room?" All agreed to accept the garment bag, all apart from Marnie giggled with excitement. She, however, was not sure, uncertainty and trepidation filled her stomach. What was he up to?

In the morning Judy had found herself at a loss, her normal duties filled, she had been shooed out of the kitchen. Joshie was loving playing with the Cavill boys who had claimed him as family and was off somewhere else in the house playing. So, she found herself studying the garden through the large picture window in the living room. That was until a warm hand reached around her middle pulling her against his firm chest. She knew it was Tyrol the moment she smelled his body soap a spicy woody smell that had her relaxing against him. "Would you like to go for a walk with me?" his deep buttery voice requested.

She turned to look up at him whilst she was still encircled in his arms leaning up she kissed him lightly and then said, "I would love that."

Tyrol smiled at the feisty woman in his arms. Even though their chaperone had not allowed too many intimate moments he knew she was the one for him. Once he had gone home to his big empty townhouse in London, he knew he was in deep. The pain of being away from her and Joshie had almost driven him to distraction. Even though they had talked every night and he had read stories to Joshie over skype before bed, it wasn't enough. Before he had even gotten on the plane he knew that he would not say goodbye again to them.

Bundled up in thick coats, beanies and gloves they ventured out arm in arm walking in comfortable silence. Whether it was an accident or by design they ended up at the beach. Standing on the sand overlooking the water Tyrol turned to Judy, she smiled up at him until he began to kneel.

Her breath caught as Tyrol knelt in front of her, nothing could have ever prepared her for what he was doing. She went to stop him to interrupt before he made the greatest mistake of his life, she wasn't marriage material. But before she could say a word his hand flew up in a gesture to be silent. His eyes implored her to be still, "I know this is sudden but please hear me out before your make up your mind please Judy." Her lips stayed shut, her eyes swimming with fear and anxiety. Nodding she waited, her stomach was tied up in a ball of uncertainty.

Tyrol took a breath, he was about to plead his case, to lay it all out. He knew all her insecurities could derail what he was hoping to request. She had said many times in their late-night conversations that she thought she was not deserving to ever get married. The voices of her emotionally abusive ex's ringing in her ears. He was grateful she had been strong enough to share with him how she felt and why. It gave him the courage to know that this was truly what he wanted for her. "Judy, I know what we have talked about over the last few weeks has been intense. That we both have lost and grieved pain in the past. But, I need you to know that since we parted it has become clear to me that I have fallen irrevocably in love with you and with Joshie. Your caring heart, his bubbly joy and the way you both have loved me back have sealed my feelings for you both. I don't want to go home to my empty apartment, I would rather pack up by business and come to be with you. Where you are my heart shines. Judy, would you do me the honour of walking this journey of life with me? Would you trust me to love you and Joshie? To give my all to protect you and provide for you? Would you trust me with your heart?"

Tears flowed down Judy's face, the ball that had knotted itself in her stomach was now lodged firmly in her throat. But instead of the need to run or refuse she wanted to burrow deep into his arms. The concerned look on his face as she tried to speak was her undoing falling to her knees in front of him she dove for his arms as a small squeak sounded from her constricted vocal cords, "Yes."

A/N Hello beautiful ones :) Selah 

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