Chapter 21: No Air

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Chapter 21: No Air

Yamada called me to his office on Monday morning. I walked in hoping he would say some cheesy shit to me, but I should of known better that he wouldn't.

"I can't accept your poor designs." He said.

"What about that text?" I replied completely avoiding his rejection to my designs.

"I was drunk. That is simply all." He replies looking away.

"Don't be like this!" I slammed my hands on his desk making him look up to me in anger.

"Stop persisting. I have no interest."

"You can not honestly say that those months of being together was fake?! I saw the love in your eyes, the kindness in your voice, and everything in between."

"Whatever." His childish words echoed the room. He never would have degraded his lingo once up until now. Maybe I figured him out. Maybe he does secretly miss me.

"Yamada I am always here loving you even if we aren't lovers." I lifted his chin.

"No!" He stood up facing me. "I won't be swayed with gifts!"

"It isn't about the gift! I could care less how much I spend or buy for you! To me you are worth more than any gift, and if something so outrageous can put even a hint of a smile on your face, then I will get that times ten!"

Yamada looks away in pain, and doesn't utter a single word. My eyes peek down at his fingers, and noticed he wore a ring on his marriage finger. I grabbed his wrist.

"Are you engaged?! Married?!" I asked in frantic mode.

"I am seeing someone. I can not be with you let alone have sex with you anymore." He jerks his arm away.

"Who is this bitch?!" I said in anger.

"That is not your concern. Please go back to work."

"You honestly think I can resume work normally after finding this out?!"

"Lower your voice you imbecile." He growls in anger.

"Fine! I hate being played over, and over. Why did you fuck around with me the other day then!?"

"You fucking forced it upon me! I never have a say on what I want with you!" He screams.

"You went along with it like a little whore!"

His face drained of color, and he looked more pissed than ever. He marches towards me, and slaps me across my face.

"Don't you dare talk down upon me! I was the one that was violated over, and over by your disgusting sex that you couldn't keep in your pants! I was the one that was presented gay towards so many which affected my work situation! You know how humiliating it is to force yourself to love a man like you?! You have no self thought of how others feel! You only think about yourself, and the little shit you can't keep tucked away in your pants! Don't fucking dare call me your little whore ever because I will fuck up your pathetic excuse of a life you live!" His eyes gleamed fury in mine, and I backed away from him.


"Don't fucking call me by my name like we are close friends or even lovers! I refuse to let anyone like you enter my life again! Yeah I thought I missed you last night, but I was wrong to. Missing you is missing being fucked like the sex toy you see me as. And if you want to use that fucking watch as an excuse on why I should take you back then...take it back!" He grabs it out of his pocket, and throws it at me.

"Calm down!" I yelled.

"No! You think you have the right to talk down on me because I was your bitch for so many months! I don't want any part of you near me in that way ever! I will give you the luxury of keeping your job, but that will be it! Leave! I don't want to talk to you again unless it is business related! Don't lay a single finger on me! Don't buy me shit because I will throw it out. You're trash to me! If you want to fuck an asshole so much then go find yourself some gay desperate loser like yourself!" He shoves me out forcefully, and slams the door in my face.

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