Chapter 2: Realization

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Chapter 2: Realization

The very next morning my eyes felt heavy from all the crying. This isn't like me. Crying, and being depressed. I was always that happy-go-lucky kid that everyone wanted to be around. Now I felt like some dark shadow everyone wants to escape from.

"No!" I fisted. I will not be a depress loser anymore! I have to move on, and find another source of happiness. I knew Yamada would want the same thing from me.

KNOCK KNOCK. I heard a knocking at my front door. I rubbed my eyes some, and made my way down the stairs. I opened the door slightly, and saw Saito on the other side of the door. He waves with a smile.

"Hey Kyou, I just wanted to check on you since yesterday you seemed to be sad about something."

"Oh ah I am okay." I smiled, and started rubbing the back of my head.

"You sure?" He looked confused.

"Yeah better than ever really. Would you like to come in?"

"If I'm not intruding, then sure." He nods. I let him in, and lead him to sit in the kitchen.

"Do you want some coffee?" I asked.

"Okay. Any is fine. Just not black." He laughs.

"That's fine." I went to get the coffee as I stumbled upon Yamada's espresso maker. I closed my eyes, and pushed it aside. I had my own coffee machine anyway. I made the coffee, and handed Saito the cup.

"Thanks buddy." He takes a huge sip, and starts fanning his tongue. "God damn haha guess I was way too thirsty."

"Haha! You are just like me. Coffee makes me want to drink it immediately." I laughed at his stupidity that was similar to mine. My chest felt lighter. Maybe a new friend was all I needed to mend myself.

"It's good that you are laughing." He smiles.

"Yeah...I need to." I sighed in relief.

"So maybe I should introduce you to some new girls. How about that?" He winks.

"No I'm not interested in a new person right now." I shook my head.

"Oh right, sorry. I am so inconsiderate. You need your space, and time."

"Maybe." I nodded.

"Hey Kyou, lets go downtown shopping. I need to get my little sister something for her birthday anyway."

"I can't. I got to go back to work today."

"After? Where do you work?"

"Well it's call 'Raine Inc' now." I said noticing I somehow got my job again. Shortly after I woke, I got an e-mail that I could quit my bookstore job, and returned. I didn't question it.

"Wow I buy my fragrances by that brand. Neat! I work at a bookstore."

"Oh well after work we can go downtown, and I needed to go to a bookstore. So it works out!" My eyes lit up. The new issue of Megaman was going to be released, and my inner kid needed to have it.

"That works." He smiles gently.

I went to work, and didn't bothered to make eye contact with Junko. The workplace still was tidy. The dark red carpets were still tended to. The no-fingerprint glass still remained perfectly cleaned. The cubicles are still busy as ever. The only difference was the 'boss' seat was empty.

"Kyou you are back!" A coworker said to me. I greeted him, and went to my desk.

"Oh my god Kyou!" A woman coworker greeted me as well. "We have a new boss. He doesn't come in until later though. He reminds me so much of the chief."

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