Chapter 15: Sunset

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Chapter 15: Sunset

Monday was dreadful. I sat in the conference hall with everyone else. I could feel the weight of Yamada's stare. He would occasionally glance at me as if he was checking on a rascal. I fiddled with my pencil, avoiding his eye contact.

After the conference, I hurried to the door, and Junko grabbed my wrist. He nudged his head over to Yamada asking me if I wanted to speak with him, and I shook my head. I was too scared to hear what Yamada had to say. I didn't want to hear anymore hurtful words.

"Are you guys not cool anymore?" Junko asked looking confused as ever.

"We aren't together if that is what you mean." I started walking out of the room, and Junko followed me.

"Aw man, how about I take you to the club tonight. There be some fine ass bitches." He winks.

"I don't think a chick will fix my problem." I groaned.

"You are fucking missing out. Lingering around this guy."

"I know, but what the hell can I do? I never had any luck with chicks. You, and I both knew that. My last girlfriend is basically dead in my life."

"Maybe it is time to try again? How the hell can you get hype over a dude like that. All he does is reject you." Junko shook his head in disappointment.

"You wouldn't get it." I mumbled.

"Well the offer is always available. I am just a text away." He smiles.

"Yeah thanks. I think I am going home now. I don't have anything to do here anyway." I started packing up my belongings.

"Okay see you." Junko waved, and walked back to his cubicle.

I went over to my car, and started driving home. I looked over to the passenger's seat, and saw all my designs. I hoped at least Yamada would accept these in the next conference. I stayed up late nights at the office just to get the sketches done.

I got home in a matter of minutes, and fed Neko before I settle my own needs. She looked happy, and that gave me some relief that someone is actually happy from my actions. I sat down, and added more details to my sketches. I realized that Yamada loves complex designs. He always seem to reject the simple designs. It made me angry since I remembered my first design was rejected because of its complexity, but now Yamada got a change of heart, and now he drools over complex designs. What a bipolar son-of-a-bitch. I still had that strong hate for him as my boss.

I heard a knock at my door, and I went to answer it. It was no other than Shouta with some kitty food in his arms. I invited him in, and he went to add more cat food for Neko. She nuzzled him, and he pets her. I couldn't help, but smile at the sight of happiness.

"Thanks, I only bought her these mini meal things." I said.

"It is okay. I can't seem to bring her back home because my parents are coming over, and mother is allergic to cats."

Yamada's mother. I wonder how she is like. I wonder how their father is like now since his first impression was god awful. I bet they are so strict.

"Oh I see."

"Thanks for taking care of her. How was the first day of work with Seiji?" He smirks.

"We didn't speak like that.' I shrugged trying to play off my dread.

"Are you gay?" Shouta said without hesitation.

"No! I am not!" I said defensively. I hated the fact people would assume that at the spot.

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