Chapter 12: Mysterious

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Chapter 12: Mysterious

I hurried to the company the next morning, and saw Shouta sitting at the desk looking at files. He looks up, and smirks.

"What brings you here Kyou? I'm guessing the receptionist just let you in here."

"Yeah. Where were you last night?"

"I was out at a drinking party. Why does that concern you?"

"Nothing." I stayed silent.

"You aren't getting the job back even if we are friends Kyou."

"I don't want the job." I glared.

"Okay fine. Please leave." He shoos me away, and I left. I always felt like a dog around this company.

"Kyou!" Junko yelled. He ran up to me. "Kyou tonight I am going out to the bar, wanna come?"


"Come on! Maybe seeing some chicks might bring your mood up. I know you ain't really into dudes." He nudged.

"I know I'm not, but I don't think a new relationship is appropriate when my world is at some chaos." I shrugged.

"What will you do tonight? My house is pretty boring."

"Might just chill at your place, and watch tv. I am pretty exhausted."

"Fine you boring old toad. You need to get laid. When was the last time you even jacked off?"

I ignored him, and he laughed. I left the company building, and went into my car. I sat there debating what I should do this evening. I was still devastated that my house went up in flames. No one has called me for an interview about my house. I found that quite odd.

I decided to drive down to the beach. I dreaded coming here for the longest time since this was when I 'thought' Yamada died at. Now I felt hatred, and bitter feelings for this place.

I saw a couple kids with their parents playing in the sand. It was spring now, and the weather was getting pretty nice out. I went to sit by the ocean. The waves were small, but vibrant. I slowly felt my eyes dropping, and the sky went black.

"Kusaka...would you stop laying in the sand...." A familiar voice said. I looked up to see Yamada. He looks down with a irritating look.

"Baby!" I said, and stood up.

"Shh." He shushes me.

"I miss you baby! I'm sorry for everything." I hugged him tightly.

"Stop it." He shoves me off. "I got to go. I'll see you soon." He walks away.

"Wait!" I chased after him, but I fell down, and woke up from my dream.

It's been quite a while since I dreamt of Yamada. I've been too deprived of sleep lately due to all the stress building up. Sleep was hardly a thing to do anymore.

I drove back to Junko's place that evening. No one was home. Maybe I should of went with him to the bar. I could of gotten a lap dance or something.

I spent my evening watching some drama on tv. It was pretty boring. I never got into drama enough to sit through more than one episode. I switched off the tv, and went to the guest room which is now my room. I laid down, and took out my cellphone. I saw I had one message that was unread. I opened it.

"Hey Kusaka." Said an unknown number.

"Who is this?" I texted back.


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