Chapter 10: Blindness

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Chapter 10: Blindness

I called the unknown number. It went straight to voicemail.

"Don't call." He texts.

"Why?" I asked.

"I am around people now. So don't do that."

I felt uneasy. He didn't really responded the way Yamada would. Maybe his whole persona before was a fake.

"Do you have proof that you are actually Seiji Yamada?"

"What proof do you want? I don't care if you don't believe me. I'll leave then."

"No no! I am sorry. I believe you." I bullshit that response. I didn't want to give up this oppertunity. By some strange chance that this is actually him, I don't want to risk it by being too questionable.

"Okay good." He replied.

"When can we talk on the phone? I need to hear you so badly." I whispered.

"I don't wish to speak to you Mr. Kusaka."

"Then why did you text me? Why did you lie?"

"That is none of your business." He replied.

"But I was your boyfriend!"

"I'm leaving. Goodbye."

"No no! I am sorry!"

I didn't get a text after that. I waited by the phone patiently, but no response. I didn't want to bother calling it since I knew that could grow to be annoying, and he could simply block me in the end.

Days passed by quickly. I searched for a new job as well as waited patiently by my phone for a response. Nothing was good. The job was a fail, and so was a response. My life is a drowning roller coaster. Even when I am lifted up, I suffocate with the consequences of being too content. Why is life so unfair?

Late one night I went to Saito's place. He was free. He let me in his house, and gave me tea.

"How have you been?" He asked as he sat across from me with his gentle smile.

"Confused. I don't want to talk about it." I looked off.

"Kyou, what is the point of you visiting me? It isn't helping either of us. Stop using me when you are lonely." He looks off hurt.

"I'm not using you!" I yelled.

"Then what is this? You don't come over to ask me how I am. You just sit there waiting for me to ask." He keeps his eyes fixated on the table rather than my eyes.

"Fine whatever." I stood up, and made my way to the door.


I shut the door before he could speak out another word. I started running. I don't know why. My legs moved on its own. I wanted to run forever until I die of exhaustion. I ran, and started closing my eyes. I saw a blinding light. A car was coming at top speed.

"Oh shit Kyou!" Saito yelled, and dashed at me, pushing me out of the street.

All I could remember was me falling to the other side of the road. I heard Saito screaming in pain. My body was too numb for me to move.

"Mommy! That man!" A little girl started screaming towards her mother to get help.

The ambulance came, and I found myself okay. I had a few minor scratches.

"Oh shit!" I sat up as the nurses kept me down.

"Sir, let us treat you first." A nurse said.

"What about the blond?"

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