Chapter 29: Happiness

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Chapter 29: Happiness

We sat side by side as we looked at a pamphlet of marriage rings. Yamada looked enlightened. I noticed him smiling a lot more these days. Still I feel he hides a huge burden to himself. I wish to be his escape. I placed my arm around him, and pulled him in an embrace.

"Kyou.." He mutters as he tries to push me off.

"I love you. I know you are hiding some type of emotion. I can sense it. Can you tell me?" I asked, hoping he will agree to tell me his inner most thoughts.

"I'm sorry for all I've done. I know this is no excuse."

"Baby I am okay. I am happy now." I rubbed his head.

"I think Shouta hates me."


"We never got along. Me, and Shouta. I don't know what he told you, but my parents stood by his side since he is their daughter. I don't think I will exchange words with her for some time."

"Does that bother you?" I asked.


"How about Saito."

"Saito is a good man. I just happened to know him through high school." He smirks.

"How was he like?" I asked trying to maintain a conversation. At this point, I could care less.

"A kind man of many mysteries. He really did loved you." He looks over.

"You, and him" I asked almost feeling ashamed.

"Yes. I was okay with that." He nods.

"Oh god I am so embarrassed." I hid my face.

"It is okay haha. Silly Kyou." He strokes my cheek, and I couldn't help, but blush.

"Why have you became so kind?"

"I feel complete around you. As strange as it may be." His face reddens as he turns away.

"Aw baby!" I kissed him.

Later that afternoon, I put the book of rings away. Yamada had to go back home to start on his work files. I went back to my house to feed Neko. Luckily Junko took care of her while I was away.

I called up Junko to tell him all the juicy details of my trip with Yamada in Korea. It was pretty intense for him since he was captivated by the story itself.

"You sure everything is okay now?" He said with uneasiness in his voice.


"When will you face Saito, and Shouta?"

"Who knows." I didn't want to think of them at this point.

"We have work today you know."


I headed into work, and saw Shouta outside with his convertible. He smirks at me, and approaches me.

"Kyou, I provided for you, yet you go back to my brother?"

"What is your problem? I don't like you." I glared.

"Whatever. I will always be better."

"Not according to what you told me before." I wittily replied.

"What...?" He looks down.

"Look, I don't want to be rude with you. I'm sorry if you have feelings for me, but can you have the decency to accept our relationship, and be happy for him?"

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