Chapter 16: Reflection

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Chapter 16: Reflection

Sitting home on Sunday with so many heavy thoughts drove me crazy. Why did Shouta kiss me for? The thought of it made me more uncomfortable than anything else. I stepped into the shower, and drizzled the hot water over my tense body. The water dripped from my bangs, and a puddle of water formed at my feet. I saw my confused reflection. I've been too lost for too long now.

After a few minutes of feeling like a dead man standing in a shower, I stepped out, and got ready for bed. My head was throbbing of intense pain when the thought of Yamada spread in my mind like a virus. His words stung more than anything.

After a long night rest, I woke to Neko nuzzling my cheek. I petted her, and got up to give her some fresh milk, and cat food. She drank, and ate in bliss, and I found myself smiling once more. I heard a knock at my door, and I peeked at the clock. It was 10:00 A.M. at the moment. Who the hell could that be? I walked over to open the door, and found Shouta standing in front of me. He gives a small smile.

“What?” I said nervously hoping he won't kiss me again.

“Sorry about last night. I had a little to drink. My bad man.” He walks in like it was his own house. That pissed me off, but I let it slide. I saw he went to pet Neko. He looked so happy with the kitty. I couldn't hate a man that shows so much affection for an animal. It was almost sinful in my mind.

“What is going on? Do you like me or something?' I asked bluntly. I was tired of playing mind games. He peeks up, and laughs.

“Kyou, don't flatter yourself.” He smirks.

“I know guys don't go around kissing other dudes regardless if they are sober or not.” I stared annoyingly.

“What? I can't have my own little fun?” He shrugs.


“Thanks for taking care of her again. I really appreciate your gratitude.”

“Yeah.” I quickly replied. “I got to go to work soon.”

“I can drive you if you like.” He smiles.

“Hmm okay then.” I said. The only reason I took the offer was because I won't have to waste my gas. I guess in some ways I was cheap as shit, and I wanted to get everything for myself.

“Shall we go?” Shouta said as he made his way to the door.

“Yeah.” I followed him, and got into his fancy ride.

I watched him drive occasionally. I didn't want to peek too much or he will assume I fancy him. He drove pretty slow compared to Yamada. I found myself yawning at how slow he drove. He didn't seem to catch me yawning which was a relief for me.

We reached the building in a matter of minutes. There was no spoken dialogue between us when we exit out of the car, and into the elevator. He waved as he got off the third floor. I stood in the elevator alone with my thoughts. The elevator beeped, and Yamada stood at the other side of the door. He stared at me, and backed away. I quickly grabbed his wrist, and pulled him in the elevator with me.

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