Chapter 3: Mysteries

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Chapter 3: Mysteries

The past week have been me hanging out with Saito. He would meet me up at work, and then we would drive to the bookstore, and read. Even though it was the daily routine, I enjoyed it. I did miss Yamada, but I couldn't keep lingering.

"Here you go." Saito placed a pastry bun in my hand. "You must be hungry from work."

"Oh yes thanks!" I grabbed the bun, and gobbled it down quickly. My stomach was happy. I skipped lunch this morning due to the deadline.

"How has work been Kyou?"

"It's okay. I still haven't really met the new boss. This Friday I will see him." I licked the tips of my fingers. The crumbs tasted delicious.

"Keep your head up, and everything will be okay." He slaps my back which made me arch.

"Ouch." I rubbed my backside. "I need to workout as well."

"We can do that if you want."

"Not now." I shook my head. I was too tired to partake in activities in the gym.

I walked home that night since I felt the need for some exercise. I passed by a French like bar. There were foreigners surrounding the grand opening of it. So much blonde hair blue eyed people. It kinda freaked me out seeing these aliens of humans here in Japan.

"Oh la la a Japanese man!" One blonde woman said. Her Japanese was hard to understand, but I managed to get her message. She walked towards me in her tall red pumps.

"Uh." I stumbled as she pulled me in her click of French friends.

"Everyone, look at his hair. So orange. Japanese are handsome. Yes they are." She smiles, and winks. I blushed.

"Oh thank you. This is dyed hair though." I chuckled.

"You must come in for the grand opening of the new cologne Vuttion."

"Huh?" I stopped, and realized that was one of the new colognes that was releasing in our company. I had heard rumors of the scent being the next big thing. I nodded.

"Oh yes thank you! Come come." She places her hand on my back, and leads me inside.

The building inside was dark with a bunch of dim lit candles, and lamps. The seats were pure burgundy leather. She sat me down at a table of my own. It looked like a huge auditorium with a bunch of dinner tables surrounding the stage. I heard a lot of chattering, and I felt out of place. However I did see other Japanese men, so I wasn't alone in that.

"Ladies, and gentlemen, please settle down." The middle aged woman on stage said. Her curly brown hair was below her breasts, and she looked quite professional like the women in my work place. Her Japanese was on point.

"Today the president of Raine Company will give us a sneak peek of our new fragrance 'Vuttion'. Settle down, and turn off electronic devices. Thank you." She bows, and walks off the stage.

Why wasn't I noticed of this meeting? I looked around to see some of my coworkers, but I also saw a large majority absent. Maybe I got an e-mail, and I never bothered to check it.

I heard click clack of expensive men's shoes making its way on stage. The man or shall I say president was dressed to perfection. His black hair sleeked back slightly.

"Ah..." My eyes shot wide open. It looked like an exact replica of Yamada!

His eyes gazed at me instantly. I saw hate, and disgust in his eyes. How could he have spotted me from the hundreds in the room? The hairs on my neck stood up. I didn't know if I should be happy, or scared that I am seeing a Yamada in front of me.

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