Chapter 17: Thief

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Chapter 17: Thief

"This food won't do. Where do you buy these shits from anyway? The dollar store?" Shouta tossed out the cat food I bought for Neko, and I glared, but I managed to deal with it.

"I bought it from a supermarket. Please tell me you know what that is." I gritted my teeth.

"Of course, but kitties are like babies. You got to give them the best to start off with so they can grow up nicely."

"I got too much on my mind to even consider rich cat food."

"What? My brother?"


"DING DONG!" My doorbell rung loudly which made me flinched. I went to open the door. Saito stood there with some extra leftovers. It has been a while since I saw him. I greeted him in.

"Oh? You have company already Kyou?" Saito looked over to Shouta.

"Yeah, I am taking care of his cat since his parents are allergic."

Shouta, and Saito had a long stare for one another, and Shouta stood up from bending down to the kitty. He approaches Saito, and greeted him.

"Hi, you already knew me as his former boss." He gives a sly smile.

"Yes" Saito nodded, and smiled back.

"I will just excuse myself." Shouta quickly gathered up his jacket, and left my house immediately. I ignored his exit, and turned to see Saito petting the kitty.

"Cute. Is it a he or a she?" He asked.

"It's a she, and she is named Neko. Shouta named her, not me." I shrugged it off.

"I just brought some sushi from my little sister's sleepover. She made extra. I just want you to know I am always here for you as a friend." He smiles.

"Thanks. I know. I am okay." I nodded.

"I shall see you. I need to get to work."

"Bye. Thanks again for the sushi." I smiled, and he nodded, and left shortly after.

I peeked over at the bag, and brought it over to the kitchen. I left it on the counter hoping to munch down later when I get super hungry. I wasn't a big sushi fan to begin with. The taste just taste like bitter ass in my mouth, but I knew that sushi wasn't the cheapest to make or buy, so I have acquired a taste for it slightly.

"RING RING!" My phone rang, and I saw it was Kazuo.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey Kyou, want to hang out? I happen to be in Your area again, and today I just felt like seeing you."

"Sure, where to?" I replied.

"Come to central park. There is a small bar there. I can treat you to some sake if you wish."

"Okay, be there in fifteen minutes." I hung up, and went to get ready.

I drove down, and saw the Japanese bar he was talking about. It was the only one on the block. It stood out since it had big ass windows that people could climb in. I heard a bunch of screaming teenagers trying to make a scene. I hated the rebellious stages of a teenager when they think they are all bad ass, and nonchalant. It pissed me off that they would always pick on the elderly to seem 'cool' as they claim. I stood outside hoping Kazuo would change his mind, and go to another bar.

"Yo man." Kazuo ran up to me, and pulled me into a bro hug. I slapped his back lightly giving him a quick hug.

"Long time huh....kinda." I chuckled.

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