Chapter 13: Again

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Chapter 13: Again

I sat across the cafe table facing my long lost lover. He takes a sip of the coffee, and gives me a faint stare.

"It's been a while Kusaka." He says.

"You have to tell me everything." I said hoping he would give me an answer.

"Maybe one day." He smirks.

"It isn't fair to me. Do you still have feelings for me?"

"Let us not discuss this at this moment." He looks displeased.

I couldn't figure out exactly what his plan was, and I didn't want to. I was too blinded by the fact that he is in front of me again to do anything that was rational, and absurd. I was in fear of losing him once again.

I saw his hand laying on the table as I reach out to touch it. He jerks away. His long slender fingers held the coffee cup, and he took another sip.

"Mr. Kusaka please don't." He grunts.

"Okay sorry. Would you like to come over to chat?"

"How? Your house is gone." He looks up.

"How do you know?" I was dumbfounded. Did I tell him?

"It was all over the news. You should know by now I read the newspaper every morning."

"Ah okay." He never hesitates with an answer. Such a perfect human being. Oh yes.

"I think I'll be heading off now." He picks up his cellular which was laying by his wrists, and stood up.

"Wait! When will I see you again?" I asked trying not to sound desperate.

"We will see." He mutters.

"Please text me anytime." I forced a smile. I could feel the heat rise up to my face. I wanted to cry, but I knew Yamada would just roll his eyes, and tell me I shouldn't cry because I am a grown ass man. In a strange sense, I love his crude words.

"See you." He says as he makes his way to the door. I watched him trail off into the distance once again. I always feel like the only time I see him is when he is going away from me.

I went back to Junko's house that night with uneasy feelings. I didn't even know if I should assume that there is still a working relationship between me, and Yamada anymore. We seemed pretty torn apart from each other already.

The next morning, I went to check on my house. I saw a lot of people surrounding it. Could be a crime scene, or something else. I had no idea. I turned my body to walk away, and the sight of Shouta stopped me. He was one of the many characters that was standing in front of the crowd of people. I went over to him, and he turns with his annoying ass smirk.

"Aw what has happened here?" Shouta said.

"If I knew then there wouldn't be a crowd of people here now would it?" I replied smartly.

"I would want to offer you the job back." He says without hesitation, which caught me off guard.

"W-what?!" I stuttered.

"You heard me. I guess Mr. Kana convinced me. I saw your previous designs from when Seiji was the head of the company. I am pretty impress with your work oddly enough."

"Okay!" I bowed down to him. I didn't know how to respond at such an uplifting moment. I was ecstatic. Things were finally turning around for me after all these strings of bad luck.

"I will see you tomorrow morning." Shouta said with a smile. His smile wasn't the annoying one I hated so much. It looked sincere. So sincere, it made me want to vomit. He vanished into the street, and I went to my job.

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