Chapter 23: Blankly

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Chapter 23: Blankly

"Kyou Kyou!" I felt a powerful shake to my arm. I looked over to see Junko, and Shouta shaking me awake. I woke up in Shouta's couch.

"What happened?" I said rubbing my eyes. I felt hungover more than anything.

"Your house is fixed." Shouta said.

"Good." I mumbled. The house was the least of my concern. I'm now jobless once again, and that devastated me.

"If you are sad about the job, don't be. I decided to take you under my wing." Shouta said nodding his head.

"Really?!" I shot up from lying down.

"Yes. I can't just let you be jobless after all this." He rubs my back.

"Kyou, the police wanted to give you shit at the station." Junko said with a hint of concern.

"Okay?" I said dumbfounded. What could it be? I haven't really heard from them for a while now.

Later that afternoon, I went down to the station. A officer handed me a box of my belongings.

"We salvage these as well. Took some time. Much apologies." He bowed.

"No it is okay!" I said optimistically.

"Here you go." He hands the box to me.

I went back to my house yet again. I hoped it would stay in tact, and won't fail on me. I don't think I could handle another visit to someone's house. I missed my living environment. I sat down on my living room couch, and opened the box of goodie.

I saw a lot of memories in the box. I wanted to cry, but I didn't at the same time. Being a man means not crying over every small spec life throws at you.

I pulled out a sketch of Yamada's raindrop or teardrop design from when we were still together. That was something I didn't tear up out of anger.

I suddenly remembered I had another box that I never opened in my busted car. I went to grab that from the trunk, and resumed with the other box.

I pulled out the beanie that I bought Yamada when he was sick. Sadly his scent didn't linger anymore. I felt the tension in my chest swell up. So many memories I couldn't even remember when I first woke from that coma.

"Ah..." I pulled out the keychain Yamada gave me. It was of a horror monster that was in a movie me, and Yamada went to see when we were dating. I never used it much. I never even noticed it. Did he even give me this? My mind was so blurry.

I remembered i shredded everything up, and broke everything when I went berserk. I regretted it. I felt that was the only piece of good memory left of this stale relationship.

I finally came across a golden treasure chest. I knew this was Yamada's trove of condoms. I opened it to see the necklace I got him. The one written 'Seiji' on the it. The golden piece still looked as if it was bought yesterday. He sure took care of his things.

I noticed another object in the chest. It was the engagement ring I bought him. Right! We were once engaged. Once upon a time I could proudly call him my fiancé. However, was that all a front? Was it all lies, and deceiving words that were false at all the chapters of our relationship? Was I played?

I gathered up the things, and placed them back in the box. I gently put the boxes back in my trunk, and decided to drive down to Yamada's house. I had to see him. I knew I was the one to give him that goodbye kiss, but who was I to fool? I knew I was annoying him, but I couldn't stop.

I drove up the driveway, and knocked on the door hoping that his new fiancé wouldn't open it.

Yamada opened the door, and had the most annoyed look I have ever seen. His brows were tightly together, and his eyes shot right through mine. This man was furious.

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