bonus chapter (woh)

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bonus chapter (woh) ─── jordie

bonus chapter (woh) ─── jordie

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𝕶az Brekker did not think of himself as a father figure or even an appropriate role model for others to look up to. He knew that he was the worst of the worse. The only reason Malkus had turned out as well as he did was because Stasiaj made sure all of her vipers had an education and kept them out of trouble as much as possible.

So, when Stasiaj had turned up in his office, in the Crow Club, and said; 'I'm pregnant', Kaz had panicked.


"Well, if not, I should be concerned because I've been throwing up every morning for the past two weeks," Stasiaj replied, an eyebrow raised. For the first time in a long time, Stasiaj saw Kaz truly panicked. 

"You can't be,"

"I can," Kaz shook his head. "A month and a half ago we..."

"I didn't mean..." He sighed, catching sight of Stasiaj's teasing grin and running a hand down his face. He knew that he was going to end up killing her if she continued on like this. "You're terrible and I hate you."

"You're going to make me blush," She stopped leaning on the doorframe to pad over to his side and lean on the desk in front of him. "Good day or bad day?"

"Good day," Kaz muttered, opening his arms for Stasiaj to curl into. He still felt the tremors, but he found it easier to push them down when he could feel Stasiaj's pulse beneath her skin, and her warm breath on his neck. There were still some days where he couldn't bare it, but he was working through it. Slowly, but surely.

"What's going through your head?" Stasiaj muttered, running her hand through Kaz's hair as he traced shapes onto her leg. "You've only threatened to kill me once since I've arrived in the room and normally I get at least three by this point in time as well as four death glares. I'm not feeling the love, Crow Man."

"Sorry," Kaz murmured, pressing a kiss to her hair as she sighed and leant further into him. "It's nothing."

"It's not nothing if you're this quiet, Kaz," Stasiaj replied. "We promised when we got married that we'd work on our communication with each other."

"I know,"

"So talk to me," Stasiaj turned to him, tilting his chin with her fingers so that he was looking her in the eyes. 

"I..." Kaz huffed, trailing off as he struggled with what to say. "I don't want things to change. It's always been me and you and I don't want this to change that."

"Why would it?" Kaz shrugged, as Stasiaj pressed a kiss to his jaw. "It'll be out little viper."

"It'll be a fledgling. He'll follow me," Stasiaj scowled, sitting back to glare him.

Felix Felicis  ─── Bonus ChaptersWhere stories live. Discover now