1. I was never here-

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"Get your sorry ass down here you bitch!" I hear someone scream. I groan unhappily, still half asleep.

I couldn't remember the dream I'd been having, but I do remember it being good.

I know it was good because I still had a smile on my face when I woke.

I'd been comforted by someone. Possibly my mother. Only she had ever made me feel truly happy and safe. But I do recall a pair of striking eyes and hers were a dull brown like mine.

My door swings open with a loud bang.

I sit up sharply, losing the vague memory of my peaceful dream.

"What the hell Carlos?" I shriek, covering my chest with my thick duvet.

I was wearing clothes. But still, it was awkward for your step brother to see half your boobs.

He grins, ducking into my closet. He cracks the door and sticks his annoyingly large head out.

"I was never here." He whispers. As though we were in some spy movie.

If only...

His messy wild head of hair and his stupid fat head disappear behind my closet door.

Seconds later I see two girls burst into the hall. They stop outside my room.

They were both gorgeous. Skinny, blonde, and both sharing dazzling blue eyes.

Just Carlos's type.

I see our maid, and my best friend, Keira following after them with a desperate look on her face.

Obviously she'd hoped not to wake my step mother.

Anyone with a brain would let the wicked witch sleep as long as possible.

"Where is he?" The taller of the two girls questions me sharply, as though I were the reason she was mad.

I shrug innocently. "I just woke up." I say truthfully, not wanting to be drug into my step brothers lies, but also not wanting needless drama.

I wish he wouldn't hide in my closet.

"Fine. Where did he go?" The girl questions. I point down the hall, feeling a little sympathetic for her.

Girls had left our house crying a lot. It was awful. I tried to comfort some but most were gone before I could offer hot chocolate and a good dose of Robbert Patterson.

I sigh as they leave, and Keira sends me a wince as she runs after them.

I hear my closet open and he stumbles out.

"Ugh your closets so small." He mutters. I frown at him.

"Go apologize to them." I say sternly. He lets out a small harsh cackle that makes my head throb before pushing my window open and sliding out.

I roll my eyes and stomp into my bathroom. I guess I was awake today.

Today was going to be a good day. It had to be.

It was a special day you see. It was the day I graduated high school. I'd finally made it.

I had gone my whole high school life without getting hurt by boys or falling behind on school work. And it had paid off!

I was going to be free of the witch and my lousy excuse for a father that for some reason put up with her.

That thought has me humming while I brush my teeth. I get dressed in a light sky blue sundress. I pull knee high socks on and some platforms.

Sure, my fashion was odd, but I liked the added inches and the quirky off beat style.

I was short. Standing at about five one without the heels. I was skinny. To skinny. I'd struggled with gaining weight for a while so I was a little self conscious about my body.

Plus the witch always made comments that I was getting fat...

I was pint size if you will.

I pull my long blonde hair into a ponytail and stare at my reflection.

My full brown eyes peer back.

Good not great.

But I could work with that...

I grab my school bag and skip down the stairs happily. I hum a tune to myself as I run into the kitchen.

"Happy last day of school!" I grin at Keira.

Sure, it may be odd that my best friend was in her late thirty's while I was only eighteen, but she got me.

She was once a girl struggling to get out of a unhappy home too.

I hug her as she hands over a muffin with a small candle embedded in the top. I laugh as she lights it.

"What are we celebrating? It's not your birthday is it?" My dads voice hits my eardrums and I feel my smile falter.

No my birthday was last week. I knew that birthday gift he sent me must have been from his secretary. My name wasn't even spelled right.

How could you even spell Kate wrong? Cate... apparently nothing was impossible.

"No. It's not my birthday, father. It's the last day of high school." He nods absently but doesn't look in my direction.

Oh well. I ignore the sympathetic smile Kiera sends me and jog out the door.

I hop into a beat down bmw and start it.

It was a neighbors. And he had planned to have it sold for parts. I offered to take it off his hands since the only thing wrong we're the seat covers.

One good thing about living in a rich neighborhood was that everyone threw stuff out when it was just a little scuffed.

Plus I didn't want my dad paying for my car. It felt weird. Plus he never offered.

As I drive to school I nibble on my muffin, trying to remember my dream from last night with no luck.

It had been so comforting though. Shame.

The odd feeling of comfort remains, even as I drive to school and throughout my day I get an odd tingly feeling in the pit of my stomach, as though I were being watched.

But every time I looked around I was alone. So I assumed it just an over reaction.

It had to be right?

But something in my gut told me it was rational and that something big was going to happen, and it wasn't just going to be me accepting my diploma, and my ticket out of this town.


First chapter. What'dya think? Gotta build up ya know? So sorry if this was boring but we're getting there

Question of the day, what's your favorite video game?

<3 love and kisses

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