III; fears

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[ a.n: There will be a pretty gory scene in this chapter, so do read with caution if that is something that might bother you. ]

     WHEN SHE TURNED TO HIM, he recognized her almost immediately. Luna Lovegood, or, better known as 'Loony Lovegood' by the other students. He never thought much of her, but he did wonder why the girl was here.

"Thestrals are magnificent creatures, you know?" The voice was as light and delicate as the air around them. It was then that he remembered that he wasn't alone.

She was dressed in black and blue robes, and her blonde hair contrasted greatly against the dark green of the forest. Her eyes shone slightly beneath the blue sky, the silver reflecting some of the azure in their depths.

The skeletal horses continued to roam through the small clearing. He recognized them as the creatures which carried the carriages at the beginning of the year, and although they looked mildly disturbing, they held an oddly enchanting aura.

Perhaps others might think differently, but he also didn't think others would be likely to follow someone into the forbidden forest.

"Is it really such a good idea to be out here, Lovegood..?" He returned his gaze to the Ravenclaw girl.

"It's nice here, I wonder if they ever get lonely." Her voice remained steady and lilting, much like silk in its tone. "You can call me Luna, there's no need to be so formal. Can I call you Edwyn?"

"I don't see why not." The thought never occurred to him that she already knew his name. A foal ran past him, galloping towards the girl.

Not long after, Luna procured a fish from a satchel that lay on her side. Feeding the creature fondly; she must come here often, Edwyn thought to himself as he continued to watch her feed the small creature, his eyes fell towards the girl's bare feet.

Confused wouldn't even be able to describe how Edwyn felt as of right now. "How come you don't have any shoes on?" He asked, looking at Luna curiously.

She turned her head to face him, "People have taken to hiding my things. It's fine though, I really don't mind."

"Do you come here often?"

"Sometimes. I don't have to worry about anything here, I can just watch everything pass by and there really aren't many wrackspurts out here either."

He suddenly recalled his second-year train ride, the girl that he bumped into. It was so bizarre, that he really hadn't been able to forget it. Though he was still quite baffled at the 'wrackspurts', he hadn't heard of them and really wasn't all too sure of what exactly they did.

They sat down on the ground, a respectful silence falling between them as they both watched the Thestrals roam around their vicinity. When they finally began talking again, Edwyn found the girl to be insightful. Despite her odd ways.

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