I; odd hedges

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     IT TURNED OUT THAT MR SCAMANDER HAD BEEN CORRECT IN HIS ASSUMPTION. The headmaster contacted The Ministry, at least that's what the man had called it. Some sort of magical government as far as he could tell. It wasn't long after that, that a plump man stepped out from roaring, green flames. 

It was hard to not merely gawk at the absurdity of what his day has become, but Edwyn tried to school his face and watched curiously as the man strode around the room, glancing towards the elder wizard. 

"Albus, what's this about? I had to call off an important meeting for this." He spoke with a refined, pompous accent, and Edwyn already disliked the man. 

He was far too much like the stiff businessmen that occasionally visited the orphanage from time to time, only to leave shortly after deeming the facility as 'adequate'. Even though it was as far from that as a mouse was to an elephant. The headmaster only offered a grandfatherly smile, his eyes twinkling as he spoke (Edwyn was still trying to figure out how the man did that.) 

"Well, Cornelius, the lives of magical children do come first before anything else. Young Belmonte here has had the misfortune of being placed in a muggle orphanage, and we are looking to fix his situation."

The man sputtered for a moment, before giving a simpering smile. "Of course, of course! And 'Belmonte,' you said?" The plump figure turned to him, and suddenly Edwyn wanted to walk far away from the attention being placed on him. "My, young lad, it's a pleasure to meet such promising youth from a family as old as yours! I'm the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, your family were some of the best people I knew. A shame what happened, my condolences." 

The man extended a hand, and Edwyn hesitantly shook it out of a sense of obligation. "Nice to meet you too, sir."

"But Merlin's beard, an orphanage—This is outrageous! I'll make sure to sort this out right away."

Edwyn only offered a placating smile, before wandering around the large office once more.

Still, most of their discussion went well over his head. Leaving him to listen in dumbly. Squinting over at the three wizards from time to time, and the conversation of laws and decrees was getting more confusing by the minute. He was beginning to understand why Professor McGonagall had left before the Minister arrived. All this talk was making his head spin.

Mr Scamander proposed Edwyn stay with him, and it appeared as though the Minister had no qualms with the suggestion. Though apparently, the man hadn't adopted him, as his situation was deemed as temporary. 

Overall, the process was brisk and satisfactory for both sides. Though Edwyn only held one issue with it; those with no magic held no voice in this apparent government. He only hoped that he was an exception. He did not want to imagine what problems it could bring someone who was raised by those without magic.

The Minister took his leave shortly after the arrangement was concluded, and gave half-hearted farewells in that disgustingly fake voice of his.

He was brought to the same fireplace, and the two old wizards tried to coax Edwyn to step into the small, old-fashioned structure. Mr Scamander held a powder-filled jar towards Edwyn, but he adamantly refused to walk into the fire. Instead, crossing his arms and standing defiantly still, away from the fireplace. 

He did not care how 'safe' it was, there was no chance in hell that he would willingly go in there. Especially not after Vincent had nearly set him aflame in the orphanage after playing with a box of matches near his bed.

"Why can't we leave the way the professor brought me?" 

Mr Scamander paused, his eyebrows raising. "Huh, apparition. That's a good plan. Why didn't I think of that earlier?" 

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