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"What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?" Inhye continued to repeat this question over and over, annoying her three friends on the line. 

"Okay, we get it. Someone from your past suddenly jumped back into your life and you're lying about your identity again, not like this is the first." Inhye glared at Noa, who simply shrugged his shoulders like the asshole he was. 

Her bedroom was finally finished, everything positioned the way she liked. Her desk sat in the corner of her room as her bed laid beside the window, right against the nook where she could sit and people watch. Inhye was currently sitting on said nook, her laptop propped up in front of her as she leaned her head against her window, occasionally glancing down at the people who walked by. 

"Don't act so rude, Noa. This is the boy Iris had a crush on," Aphrodite chimed, teasing the black haired girl. "So is he still cute?"

Noa groaned at the question, but Insoo couldn't help but flush. "I...yeah, he is." Aphrodite let out a squeal and Noa groaned again, not wanting to listen about his dead ex-boyfriends' sister talk about her crush on his old middle school friend. But then again, he had grown fond of her over the years, despite never admitting it, so he couldn't hide the smile that reached his lips. 

The only person who didn't say anything on the matter was Ilhoon, who always had something to say to Inhye. Ilhoon sat in silence, spacing out as he fiddled with the pen in his hand. "Hey, Ilhoon, are you alright?" 

Hearing his name, Ilhoon snapped out of his daze and jumped slightly, looking straight up at his camera. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine." 

"Are you still in the library?" Aphrodite asked, wondering if that was why he was so quiet. The boy only shook his head. 

"No, I'm back in my dorm. All of the other guys went to drink with our sunbaes." The three frowned at his strange, distant, tone. 

"Then what are you spacing out for?" Noa asked, a crease between his brows. Ilhoon opened his mouth, but when he looked at Inhye, he hesitated. 

"We're not going to judge you," Aphrodite added, growing worried. Ilhoon pursed his lips at her words, as if he didn't believe her. Soon, he sucked in a deep breath and built up his courage. 

"Can you, uh, Inhye, can you describe to me how Junkyu looks?" Inhye furrowed her eye brows at the strange and out-of-the-blue question. 

"You met him before, Ilhoon?" Inhye stated, not meaning to make her tone a question at the end of the sentence. 

"I know but I want to...make sure. You were around him more than me," Ilhoon explained. Still confused, Inhye stared at him a little longer before describing him. 

"He has dark brown hair, kind of long - at least in high school - that would turn lighter in the sun. Like a warm coffee with a fair amount of milk color. He also has dark brown, crescent shaped eyes, same affect in the light, but it always seems to be a shade lighter when he's doing something he enjoys. When he smiles, the corner of his lips are rounded and you can only see his top teeth. His eyes also disappear depending on how wide he smiles. He also has really nice, fair skin, and smells like linen and that one unisex cologne that came out four years ago-"

"Okay, okay, I think we get it," Noa cut in, stopping Inhye from continuing her tangent. Inhye didn't realize it, but Aphrodite was laughing loudly in the background, wheezing. 

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you like Junkyu and not Yedam," she snorted, breathing heavily in attempt to calm herself before breaking into another fit of giggles. Inhye opened her mouth to retort, but she remembered the reason why she was describing him in the first place. She glanced at Ilhoon, staring at his horrified and pale face. 

"What is it?" Inhye pressed. "Why did you want to know about Junkyu?" 

Ilhoon only shook his head, lips pursed. The tension from before settled back in, the other two in the call also paying attention. 

"Just spit it out already, Hoon," Inhye snapped. 

"I slept with him at the party!" Ilhoon slammed his head down onto his desk, the loud thud blaring in their ears as Ilhoon looked devastated. "I was drunk and he was drunk and it just happened and he's really...wow he was amazing - but that's not the point! I'm sorry! I didn't know I just, it just, I was drunk and, please don't be mad at me Inhye!"

"Wait, you're gay? Not judging, but...?" Aphrodite raised her eye brows at Ilhoon, surprised by the confession. 

"I'm bi," Ilhoon explained softly. He bit his bottom lip anxiously. "Inhye?" 

Inhye only stared at the phone in silence, a blank expression on her face. Worry and fear knotted in his stomach, his hands clenched tightly into fists as he waited for her outburst of rage, but he didn't receive that. She didn't even yell at him, which was shocking. 

Inhye simply sighed and asked, "did you use protection?"

Still fearful, Ilhoon nodded his head. "Yeah...we did. At least the condom in the trash said so."

Inhye nodded her head. "That's good, as long as you're safe."

"You're not mad?" Noa was the one to ask. He was always the one who had the guts to test Inhye, and considering their past relationship, it seemed like he had a fucking death wish. 

"No, not at all," she said calmly. The three gulped. She wasn't mad, nope, not at all. She was absolutely, completely, utterly furious. Why? They weren't sure either.

How To Kiss A Boy//Kim Jun KyuWhere stories live. Discover now