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Junkyu was early, as always. His father was out of the district for something, so Junkyu came by himself. The lights were off around the school except for the main lights, and many classroom doors were unlocked. He walked over to his homeroom, class A28. 

It's been a month or two since the auditions, it was a new school year and Junkyu's third year of high school. He was happy he had one more year of this hell hole to say the least. His shoes clicked against the ground, echoing in the halls. He came to a halt, standing in front of his homeroom door before swinging it open. He expected it to be empty, but instead, someone sat in the far back beside the window. 

The boy was staring out at the morning sky, clouds covering the stars from shining in. Junkyu would have just ignored the kid, but, that was Junkyu's seat. Junkyu walked towards the boy, but the boys seemed oblivious to what was coming. He slammed his hand on the desk to get the boys attention. "You're sitting in my seat," Junkyu spoke through gritted teeth, wondering how he didn't know. Was he new? Junkyu asked himself, but it was rare as their school was highly strict on transfer students. 

"Sorry," they mumbled, head faced down as they got up from the seat, "I just wanted to look at the night sky." They walked passed Junkyu, but instead of finding another seat, they were leaving the classroom. 

"Wait-" Junkyu let out a choked call, but cut himself off when he watched the boy run into someone. 


Insoo stepped off the bus, walking towards the school. She was familiar with the school, it was the school her older brother wanted to go to. She recalled the bittersweet memory, shuddering as she locked it away. Since it was her first year of high school, it would have been her brothers last year. She walked in silence, walking down the side walk beside the empty road. 

Her eyes stared up at the cloudy morning sky, the sun refusing to peek out and give the world light. "Insoo," she heard him say her name beside her. "Do you think they'll notice if I sneak in?" She rolled her eyes at how dumb he sounded. 

"No one can notice you," she spoke quietly, "except for me you dimwit." He chuckled loudly, poking her arm to annoy her. Used to this behavior, though, she ignored him. 

"WATCH OUT!" Her eyes flickered down, but it was too late, the bike crashed into her body, making the two fall onto the ground. Insoo was long gone by then, leaving her alone. The two groaned in sync. Insoo rolled to her side, her hands wrapped around her stinging knee. The boy who ran into her immediately got up, going to her side and hovered his hands over her body. "Are you okay?" He asked, earning a quiet groan from her. 

His warm hands took hers, prying them off from her knee. Her knee was badly scratched and was bleeding heavily. Her blood was all over the palm of her hands, the dark red staining her uniform pants. "Do I look okay to you?" Insoo turned to look at the boy, glaring at him as she got up. 

"No, sorry," He mumbled, standing up as he continued to hold onto her wrist. He pulled her up, surprising her, and wrapped her arm around his shoulders. He brought her to his bike and made her sit on the back. "Here," He handed Insoo a helmet, but she didn't take it. He slapped his forehead when he recalled her bloody hands and strapped it around her head for her. "Let me take you to the nurses office, I'll treat your knee."

As much as Insoo wanted to decline the offer, she couldn't. She could barely walk without support with her knee like this. Not only was it bleeding, but her knee felt like it popped in a weird way. When the boy straddled his bike, he looked back. "Don't fall off," was all he said before biking towards the school. 

Insoo's body jerked forward, her immediate reflex was to wrap her arms around his waist. "I'm sorry," she muttered, only loud enough for him to hear. She felt him shake his head. 

How To Kiss A Boy//Kim Jun KyuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora