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It was the first day and for the first time in years, Insoo didn't know what was to come. She stood in front of Junkyu's homeroom, waiting for him as what he instructed her to do in the morning. She could only mentally sigh, thinking of all the trouble she was going through for a phone. Then again, as she thought back, she was lucky her aunt had decided to take a trip for the past month and knowing her aunt, she wouldn't want to call Insoo and how she was doing. 

Insoo stood there for a minutes, then two. It didn't take long for her to figure out that he wasn't coming out. "Might as well leave," she sighed to her self, pushing herself off from the wall she leaned against. Her steps moved closer to the cafeteria, her stomach growling as the thought of food filling her system. Her small hands pushed the cafeteria doors open, the bottom of the doors scraped against the cafeteria flooring gaining attention from everyone in the room. 

Her eyes scanned the room, not caring a bit about the commotion she made, but stopped when she saw the most irritating person alive. Kim. Jun. Kyu. He only smirked at her, kicking his feet onto his cafeteria table as the boys around him scolded him to take his feet off as they were still eating. He ignored them though, gaze matching with Insoo's. 

"Don't kill him, Insoo," he appeared again, leaning against the doorway of the cafeteria. Insoo shook her head, a pulling her eyes away from Junkyu's. 

"Insoo, I'm not that dumb," she muttered to him, walking towards the food line to get the left overs. Once holding the cold metal tray in her hands, she walked towards Junkyu. The dumb smirk was still plastered on his face. She ignored his presence and instead took a seat near their table - not too close to seem suspicious - but close enough to hear them. 

"Junkyu hyung, is that your new dog?" Yedam nudged Junkyu's arm, gaining attention from the older. The rest of the boys followed his gaze, looking at Insoo with some interest. 

"Huh?" He looked away from Insoo, turning to look at his friends before nodding his head. "Yeah, the Insoo brat who kissed me and ran into me without apologizing. The dumbfuck actually gave in to being my slave for a whole year just because he's bitching about his lost phone." Junkyu pulled the phone out from his pocket, tossing it up in the air and catching it, just like he did in the morning. 

"Wait, he's the kid that kissed you at the mall? Because he thought you were being attacked by that Kyungmi slut?" the blonde haired boy laughed loud, throwing his head back. "He sure knows how to kiss a boy!" he hollered, causing Insoo to roll her eyes. 

"Hyunsuk , shut the fuck up," Junkyu growled, turning back to his half-eaten food. The rest of the boys turned away from him, but the youngest couldn't look away. Something didn't exactly feel right with this boy. His gut feeling told him something about Insoo wasn't who he actually said he was, and his gut feeling was never wrong. 

"How old is he, Hyung? Do you know what school he went to before?" Junkyu quirked a brow at the two questions, tossing his spoon back on his tray, losing his appetite. The youngest jumped slightly, the clanking of silver ringing in his ears. 

"He's a first year and why would I know what school he went to before, the hell? Doyoung, what do you want with him?" Junkyu eyed Doyoung skeptically, not knowing of what too expect. The oldest of the group joined in the conversation, sighing at their strangeness and childishness. 

"Doyoung, if you're gay, you might as well say it now," he told him, taking another bite of his rice. Doyoung's face flamed up, his head vigorously shaking 'no'. Hyunsuk let out another loud laugh, gaining attention from other near-by tables, including Insoo.  

"Midam hyung, what the hell? Why would I-" Doyoung was cut off by Byunggon by throwing an orange at his head. Doyoung whined a complaint, but Byunggon ignored the youngest. 

"Will y'all just shut the fuck up?" The table silenced, until Seungun spoke up. He leaned his head on his hands, his elbows resting on the table. His eyes averted to Insoo, watching her eat slowly and playing with her food as his lips parted. 

"Hey, Junkyu?" Junkyu let out a hum, pushing his tray away from him as a way of tell himself and everybody else that he wasn't in the mood for food. "What are you going to do to him anyway?"

Junkyu thought for a moment, leaning back in his chair as he looked up at the dirty school cafeteria ceiling. A hum resonated through his closed lips before parting, his eyes lighting up as if seeing the most beautiful thing on earth. Dramatically, he slammed his hands down on the table. "Well since he's gay, might as well make him fall for me, fuck 'em, and leave him." 

Yedam asked himself why he was friends with an idiot like Junkyu, Seunghun was tempted to call a therapist, Byunggon and Midam wanted to slap the shit out of him, Doyoung was mortified,  and Jihoon and Hyunsuk, the idiots they were, supported him. Before anything or anyone could say anything, a metal tray flew through the air. 

The food splattered all over when the impact came, hitting the target right on his face. Silence filled the lunch room, the ringing voice from the metal hitting the ground rang, clanking and clinking until it came to a halt. The rice and curry decorated Junkyu like a Christmas tree, soaking into his uniform. The rice was stuck in his hair and the curry splattered all over his face. 

His two hands wiped the curry away from his eyes so he could see, his eyes immediately making contact with the person who through it. Insoo fumed, her body still in the position of when she threw it. Her ice cold eyes bore into his, giving him a hard glare. Her eyebrows furrowed together, darkening her eyes and making them look more ominous. 

Her feet moved quickly and soon, she was standing in front of him. Her small hand took hold of his uniform collar, pressing her face right in front of his. The smell of her red curry filled her lungs, but it was soon overtaken by a perfume which she was sure would have smelled nice on it's own, but smelled like hell and dog shit when mixed with curry. Despite the foul smell, she didn't move away, her eyes locked with his. 

"Like hell I'd ever go gay for you."

How To Kiss A Boy//Kim Jun KyuWhere stories live. Discover now