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"Today will be your free day! Everyone can go off on their own as long as you stay together - well, everyone except the group that went off yesterday," Mr. Kim glared over at the group in the corner, sulking. Insoo sighed. 

"It's only been two months since I met these idiots and all they manage to do is get me in trouble," she muttered, watching as all of the students walk off, talking about girls in bikini's and whatnot. Yedam rolled his eyes, nudging her side. 

"Yah, you did it to yourself," Yedam told her, starting to follow Mr. Kim to where they're going to spend their free day. "You were the one who chose to become Kyu's slave."

"Don't remind me," she sulked, quickly following after him. 

"This is where you guys are going to work!" Mr. Kim took them into the back of the hotel, leading them into an empty kitchen. "You eight are going to make dinner for everyone when they get back. If you need help with anything, the main kitchen is to your left. Bye!"

Mr. Kim left quickly, leaving the eight teens alone in the kitchen. Mashiho groaned, upset that he had to spend his free day cooking - the only thing he couldn't do. "Dammit Junkyu, this is all your fault." 

"Don't blame me! Blame Insoo!" 

"What?! Why blame me, ugly koala looking headass." 

Yoonbin rolled his eyes at their bickering, pulling them away from each other. "Can't you all just shut up and start cooking. The faster we cook the sooner we can leave. Hopefully we can at least make it for the fireworks." 

Yeongue nodded his head, agreeing with the older. "Yeah, let's just pick the menu and divide the jobs." Yoonbin turned to look at Yeongue, flashing him a smile. The younger felt his heart leap, a weird giddy feeling bubbling through his body. 

"I can't cook at all," Mashiho said, "Nor can Insoo." The crossdressing girl turned her head to glare at the Japanese boy, which he just brushed off. 

"Yedam, Asahi, Junkyu, and I will cook. Yeongue, Insoo, Mashiho, and Keita will be assistants for the cooks. Keita can work with Yedam, Mashiho will work with Asahi, I will work with Yeongue, and Insoo will work with Junkyu," Yoonbin announced, "And no changing partners." 

Junkyu grumbled curse words at the slit eyed boy. "What should we make then?" Insoo asked, looking around at the boys. 

"Bibimbap, Japchae, tteokbeokki, kimchi fried rice, bulgogi and maybe...kimbap?" Yedam suggested, earning nods all around. 

"Asahi and I can make kimbap," Mashiho turned his head to look at Asahi, who nodded his head in agreement. 

"Then Yeongue and I can make Bulgogi and Japchae," Yoonbin offered. 

"We'll make kimchi fried rice and bibimbap which leaves tteokbeokki for Insoo and Kyu," Yedam finished. It didn't take long for them to start working. The kitchen was mostly silent, the eight teens focusing on cooking rather than bickering. The only sounds were the sizzles of the oil and the knife hitting against the cutting boards. 

"Insoo wash these," Junkyu instructed, gesturing to the pan filled with hot water, the cutting board and knife. Insoo nodded, taking a hold of the dirty dishes. 

"You know, when they're not at each other's throats, they're cute," Keita commented. Insoo ignored him as the fox like eyed boy looked up, following Keita's gaze. 

"You're right," he said shortly, leaving his counter for a bit to walk over to the two. Insoo turned around, carrying the water filled dishes, but her body clashed into someone elses. The hot water splashed against their bodies, the two falling onto the ground with a loud thump. 

Insoo laid on top of someone, their legs intertwined. The crossdresser groaned, looking down at the person she ran into. Meeting his eyes, she jumped up in shock and embarrassment. "Yedam! I'm sorry I-I-" 

She scrambled off of him, taking a nearby clean towel and began to wipe the water on his skin and clothes. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Yedam ignored her, taking the towel out of her hand before standing up. Keita rushed over, looking at the two to see if the knife had cut them. The knife, luckily, didn't cut them and landed safely on the ground.

"All I did was tell you to wash dishes, how clumsy are you!" Junkyu scolded, pushing Insoo to the side to check on his friend. Mashiho, who watched the whole scene happened, frowned. 

"Don't blame her, Yedam was the one who approached you two in the first place. All she did was turn around. How the hell would she know someone was behind her," Mahsiho defended, crossing his arms across his chest. 

"I agree with Mahsiho," Yeongue piped, earning a nod from Yoonbin. Yedam sighed, pushing Keita's hands off from him, telling him that he was fine. 

"Instead of playing the blame game, let's clean this up. I'll go get-"

"I'll get the mop, don't worry about it Yedam," Insoo interrupted him, smiling awkwardly as her cheeks tinted a light pink, "Just change your clothes real quick." 

"Insoo-" Mashiho started.

"Just hurry and get the damn mop then," Junkyu mumbled, bending down to pick up the dirty dishes. Insoo left soon after, Yedam going the opposite way to change out of his wet clothing. She wandered around for a bit, lost in the maze like hotel. 

"Ah there it is," she whispered to herself, walking closer to the cleaning closet. She swung open the door, flicking on the lights to be able to see better in the small room. As soon as she stepped in, the door shut behind her with a small 'click'. 

Insoo ignored the noise, looking around the organized room before finding the mop. She grabbed the long handle before turning around, hand wrapped around the knob to twist it. But it didn't. "Huh?" She tried twisting it again, pushing and pulling on the door handle but the door wouldn't swing open. "No fucking way."

She started to shake the door knob vigorously, hoping that it would be able to do something, but it didn't. "Yah yah yah," she slammed her fist against the door in frustration, "Really?" 

Her hands roamed around her body, hoping to find her phone, but she then remembered. "Damn Junkyu." She dropped the mop beside her, using her hands to bang on the door in hopes someone could hear. "Hey! Someone help! I'm locked in!"

There was a familiar chuckle from behind her, causing her to stop. "Wow, it's just like when you were younger, Inhye." 

"Go away Insoo," she muttered, not daring to turn around, "I don't need you around anymore."

"Awe, don't lie~"

"You're not real, you're dead, Insoo. Why are you even haunting me?"

"Why do you think?" The lights flickered, soon the power going out. The room was pitch black. Insoo's heart rate picked up, her body stiff in fear. Slowly, she reached out her hand and pressed her palm against the wall, slowly moving it around to find the light switch. 

Once feeling the familiar shape, she flicked the switch, but no light came on. She didn't know how long she was in the closet anymore. She sat silently in fear in the back of the closet right across from the door. "Someone...please come..."

How To Kiss A Boy//Kim Jun KyuWhere stories live. Discover now