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Insoo panted, standing in front of the cafeteria doors. Students ran passed her, the smell of the surprisingly delicious school food filling every inch of their body. She could only sigh at how energetic they all seemed to be. Her body was weighed down, tired. It was only lunch...and she was tired. "Insoo, you look like you're gonna pass out!" Someone ran up to her, but soon stopped, their steps stopping abruptly as she felt someone grab her arm. 

"Did you do it?" Hearing his annoying voice, Insoo glared up at the tall male, scowling. She kept silent, his patience growing thin. "I said: Did you do it?" His grip on her forearm tightened, the two glaring right at each other. 

"When we were talking about having her run more chores, we didn't mean for you to have her skip classes and steal some cigarettes for us," Yedam rolled his eyes, looking down at the girls hands hiding behind her. "It must have sucked running away from that guard," his unneeded comment earned a smack on the back of his head from Midam. 

"Oh would you leave him alone," Midam turned to look at Junkyu who didn't move his eyes away from Insoo.  Junkyu chuckled, a chill running down Insoo's spine. She bit her lip as she continued to stare up at Junkyu. 

"Him?" Junkyu pointed at her, his finger poking her forehead once then twice. "And why should I leave him alone?" Byunggon was confused with Junkyu's emphasis on the pronoun 'him', shooting Junkyu a look which he ignored. Instead, Insoo just pulled her hand out from her back pocket and shoved the cigarette box in his hand, shoving him away from her. 

"Just take the damn box and I'll be on my merry way to eat lunch," Insoo muttered, pushing pass the group of guys and headed towards the cafeteria. 

Shit. He knows.

 Insoo weaved through the tables and people, going straight to the cafeteria food line. It didn't take long until she got her food. "Dammit," she cursed, eyes wandering around the cafeteria. The room was full, unlike the first day of school and there were no open seats. She liked to believe she had no friends at the moment - as it was true - or at least that's what she thought. 

"Innie!" Without thinking much, she reacted to the childish name, turning towards the person who called her. Yeongue sat with a bunch of boys, flailing his arms like an idiot as he smiled like a fool, just trying to get her attention. The sight of the cheery boy almost made her smile. Almost. She began to walk over until she realized she doesn't know any of the boys, causing steps to slow down. 

She hesitated. She doesn't exactly know anyone around school except or Junkyu, Yeongue, Mashiho, Yedam, and Yoonbin, but that was it really. Since she got suspended on the first day of school, she didn't participate in any of the ice breakers (not that she really wanted to) and no one wanted to talk to her (not that she minded). After thinking through it for a bit, she sighed to herself. "Fuck it." 

She continued to walk over to the boys, watching Yeongue shout in success as he noticed she picked up her pace. She stopped in front of the table, not caring about the looks the boys gave her. "Innie! Come sit with us, I'll introduce you to my friends!" The rest of the boy welcomed her. 

Junkyu bit into his burger hard and fast, resulting into his biting his tongue. Tearing his eyes away from Insoo, he hissed in pain. Yedam could only roll his eyes at his dumb friend, but then again, that's all he does at his best friend. "Junkyu, you need to look away from him and eat." 

The older glared at Yedam, who just shrugged, before looking further passed Insoo. There was a table group full of Japanese boys, laughing and joking around. They ate their lunches happily, especially one boy, which made Junkyu smile. Mashiho laughed at something Asahi said, his hands gripping onto his thighs in a playful manner. The sight made Junkyu's smile fall, once again. 

"Damn, what's got your panties in a bunch today Kyu?" Hyunsuk decided to ask, taking a large bite of his burger. The blonde got smacked in the arm by Byunggon, but he couldn't care less at the moment, still looking at Junkyu expectantly. "We were messing around about making him do more errands and such but you somehow took us seriously. Now you're smiling and frowning like a dumb ass clown." 

"Damn, what's got your panties in a bunch, Suk," Junkyu mimicked Hyunsuk, the older about to throw his fist at his face until Seunghun pulled the blonde back into his seat. Junkyu snickered in victory as the older grumbled at how unfair the world is and how he will soon take over and such. 

"Can you both stop being annoying for once so I can eat without having a headache? Thanks, very much appreciated," Seunghun bent down to take another bite of his ramen, which soon slipped off from his chopsticks and onto the group when Junkyu suddenly slammed his hands against the table. "God! For one day can't you just-Junkyu?" The group stared at Junkyu's retreating figure, watching him walk away and towards two loud tables. 

Mashiho got up from his seat and walked over to where Insoo was sitting, a younger boy following as Yoonbin from another table walked up to Yeongue. The younger Japanese boy took a seat next to Jeongwoo, the two laughing about something no one knew.

Feeling a tap on her shoulder, Insoo turned around, still chewing on her ramen before feeling herself being pulled into a hug. He pushed his face into her hair, his forehead pressed against the top of her head. "Mashiho?" Mashiho didn't say anything and instead held her tighter. Her arms laid limply beside her, unsure of what to do. "Mashiho-"His arms were pried off from her body, shock filling both Mashiho and Insoo's faces as they stared up at the boy who pulled them away. 

"Junkyu-" "Mashiho-" "Insoo-"

They stared at each other for a long minute. Mashiho staying in Junkyu's arms, still trying to process what was happened. Mashiho stared up at Junkyu, confused of his sudden actions as Insoo eyed Mashiho weirdly, biting her lip in hope as Junkyu glared down at Insoo. Pulling out of their trance, Yeongue wrapped his hands around Insoo's shoulders, shaking her a bit. 

"Hey, hey, you good?" She turned to look at the adorable boy, his lips slightly pouting in worry. She gave him a slight nod before turning to where Mashiho and Junkyu were standing, but the two were long gone. "What hell was all of that?" he voiced Insoo's thought. 

How To Kiss A Boy//Kim Jun KyuWhere stories live. Discover now