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It was cold. A soft breeze passed by the two, the winter air chilling Junkyu to the bone. He felt the stares of Mashiho, making him feel flustered. His eyes would avert away whenever they fall onto Mashiho, but Mashiho was like a magnet. No matter how many times he would look away, he would always somehow be looking at Mashiho in the end. 

"Why'd you pull me to the rooftop?" Mashiho had his arms crossed, cold from the winter air and to show Junkyu that he was somewhat annoyed. He had negative feelings towards the older for obvious reasons, but he couldn't help but think that Junkyu wasn't that bad at all. 

"You know, don't you," Junkyu wanted to slap himself for sounding so rude, so demanding, but he needed answers. Mashiho gave him a confused look even though he knew exactly what Junkyu was talking about. "When - how did you know? She's not that obvious, is she?" Mashiho snorted. 

"Nah, she's been acting like a boy all her life - perhaps she acts too neutral even I can't tell anymore," Mashiho stared off into the city, taking a seat on the ledge of the rooftop. The metal fence stopped him from falling through, the cold metal soon warming up from his warm body. He felt Junkyu's perplexed expression, sighing. He gave in, knowing that there's no use to hide it since he already knew. 

"Insoo...or Inhye is the younger sister of my friend. They were two years apart so they were close in age. Her brother died in a car accident years back and I haven't seen her since. Didn't think she'd change her name to her brothers name, though." Mashiho shrugged, turning to look at Junkyu who was still processing the information. "How'd you know?" 

"I had her phone, remember?" That was all he had to say for Mashiho to get what he was trying to say. Mashiho nodded his head, turning to look at Junkyu with a stern expression. 

"If you tell anyone about her being a girl I swear I'll kill you with my own hands," Mashiho threatened. Junkyu felt like he was being threatened by a marshmallow but he was too whipped to go against what Mashiho said anyway. "I don't know why she decided to come here, but she has her own personal reasons." 


Mashiho had been following Insoo around like a lost puppy after that day. Whenever Junkyu and his friends have Insoo run unnecessary errands he would follow too, but much to everyone's surprise, she didn't push him away. Well, Junkyu knew the reason why, but it was pretty much a shock for everyone else. 

"Dammit, why do they have to be together every singe time," Junkyu sighed, eyeing Mashiho and Insoo from afar. It was lunch again, and he had a strange feeling in his gut. Jihoon rolled his eyes, taking a bite of his pasta. 

"Shut up will you Kyu? We get it, you're jealous," Hyunsuk nodded his head, agreeing with Jihoon's statement but the two were ignored. Junkyu's eyes followed them like a hawk but stopped on a boy who was also staring at them. Yeongue was looking at the two with the same expression Junkyu had. 

Yedam followed Junkyu's gaze to then follow Yeongue's gaze, connecting the dots because Yedam's an intellectual. "Yeongue likes Insoo, doesn't he? I mean, he's always inviting him over to their table and wants to do everything with him," Junkyu growled unconsciously as he listened to Yedam, earning stares. 

"Did Junkyu just..." Midam nodded his head, not even waiting for Doyoung to finish his sentence. 

"Yup," Midam chewed on his spicy rice cakes before speaking again, "Junkyu growled as soon as Yedam brought up Yeongue liking Insoo." Hyunsuk sighed, shaking his head as he pretended to be disappointed. 

"I knew Junkyu would go gay for Insoo," Junkyu glared at the older which only made Hyunsuk laugh. "Hey! I'm just joking man you shouldn't ever take me seriously dude." Which was true, Hyunsuk was rarely serious. Seunghun, feeling as though he was the only normal one in the group other than Byunggon, got their attention. 

"Are you guys excited for the trip?" The whole group looked over at the cute blonde haired boy, watching him as he played with his sweater paws. Jihoon shrugged his shoulders, showing that he didn't care about it but Yedam scrunched up his nose. 

"Didn't they say we were going camping? I think it's too cold for that," Doyoung nodded his head, disliking the idea of camping. He wasn't a nature type of person either and more of a homebody. Midam swallowed his last bite. 

"I remember them saying that since it's still cold they'll maybe make the school trip to Hawaii," Junkyu, Yedam, Jihoon, and Doyoung marveled at the thought of Hawaii, thinking about the girls, the sun, the beach, the girls, the food, and did they mention the girls? Oh, and boys. Midam rolled his eyes at his friends, getting up to throw his garbage away. 

"Oh, can you throw mine away too?" Hyunsuk threw his stack of trash onto Midam's before he could get an answer, gaining attention from everyone around the table to which they did the same. Midam scowled, picking up their stack of trash before walking towards the nearest trash bin, almost tripping. 

"So...Hawaii? Or camping?" Doyoung asked, looking around the table at his hyungs. 

"Hawaii." "Camping."

It seemed as though it was half and half on Hawaii and camping. 


I need help !!
Where do you guys want them to go?



Comment on which one you guys would like!

~ Her

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